2014年5月12日 星期一

English Composition 2: Vocabulary 1-175

5/22, New 126-150

1.      aberrant 乖違的、異常的 adj. deviating from what is normal.
2.      abeyance 中止、暫擱 n. temporary suspension of function or activity
3.      abnegate 否認、放棄、克己 v. to deny to oneself; renounce
4.      abrogate 廢止、取消 v. to repeal, annul, or abolish an authoritative act
5.      abscond 潛逃、捲逃 v. to leave quickly and secretly and hide oneself esp. to avoid arrest or prosecution.

6.      badger 騷擾 v. to harry persistently; pester.
7.      baleful 有害的、凶兆的adj. harmful or malignant in intent or effect.
8.      banal平凡的、陳腐的 adj. commonplace; platitudinous
9.      beatify 賜福v. to make happy, to bless, to regard as saintly or bless
10.  bedizen 俗麗之穿著或裝飾、過份地打扮 v. to adorn or dress especially in a cheep, showy manner.
11.  cacophony 刺耳的聲音、噪音n. jarring, discordant sound.
12.  cadaverous 像死屍的、蒼白的 adj. like a corpse, pale
13.  cajole 以甜言蜜語誘騙 v. to coax; to wheedle
14.  calamity 災難 n. a great misfortune; disaster
15.  calumniate 毀謗、中傷v. to slander; a accuse a person falsely
16.  candid 坦白的、公正的 adj. frank; impartial
17.  daunt 使害怕 v. to frighten or intimidate
18.  dearth 缺乏、匱乏n. scarcity
19.  debacle 崩解、瓦解n. a breakup; an overthrow; a sudden great disaster
20.  eccentric 異常的adj. odd, peculiar
21.  eclectic 折衷的、選自不同來源的adj. composed of materials or principle gathered together from several different places or fields.
22.  edify 教誨、教化v. to instruct or enlighten, esp. in moral and spiritual knowledge.
23.  efficacious 有效的 adj. effective; capable of producing the desired result.
24.  facile 輕而易舉的、容易的 adj. easily or readily accomplished or performed.
25.  fallacious 謬誤的 adj. faulty in logic; producing error or mistake.
26.  hazardous 危險的 adj. dangerous; risky
27.  convalesce 康復復原v. to return to health after illness
28.  levity 輕浮n. a light manner or attitude
29.  diffidence n. 缺信心羞怯謙虛 self-doubt, modesty, humility
30.  dexterous adj. 靈巧的 adroit or skillful in the use of hands
31.  whimsical adj. 任性的奇想的難以預測的 capricious, playful, or fanciful
32.  wary adj. 有戒心的 on one’s guard; watchful
33.  wheedle v. 以甜言蜜語誘騙 cajole
34.  voracious adj.貪吃的貪婪的 greedy; eager to consume great amounts of food
35.  voluminous adj. 大量的、浩瀚的、多產的 having great volume, fullness, size, or number
36.  voluble adj. 口若懸河的 speaking glibly; talking with ease
37.  volition n. 意志 will; the power or capability of choosing
38.  volatile adj. 易發揮的善變的 changeable; evaporating readily at normal temperatures and pressures
39.  usury n. 高利貸 the act or practice of lending money at an exorbitant or illegal rate of interest.
40.  unsavory adj. 無味的味道不好的令人厭惡的 tasteless; distasteful or disagreeable
41.  untoward adj. 逆境的 adverse, unforeseen
42.  ubiquitous adj. 無所不在的 being or seeming to be everywhere at the same time
43.  salubrious adj. 有益健康的conductive or favorable to health or well-being
44.  sapient adj. 有智慧的 having great wisdom and discernment 
45.  salient adj. 突出的、顯著的conspicuous; prominent
46.  multifarious adj. 多方面的、多元的characterized by great variety or diversity
47.  meticulous adj. 拘泥於細節的、過於故意瑣事的extremely careful and precise
48.  infatuate v. 迷戀 to inspire with a foolish or extravagant love or admiration 
49.  lenient adj. 寬大的不嚴厲的merciful or indulgent; not strict or austere
50.  inveterate adj. 根深蒂固的積習難改的deep-rooted; habitual; long and firmly established or entrenched.
51.  cataclysm n. 災難劇變 a violent upheaval or disaster
52.  catastrophe n. 災難 cataclysm
53.  circumspect adj. 謹慎的 heedful of circumstances or consequences
54.  coerce v. 強迫威逼force or compel
55.  conspicuous adj. 顯著的prominent; very noticeable
56.  contagious adj. 傳染的 transmissible by direct or indirect contact.
57.  enumerate v. 列舉 to count, to name one by one
58.  ephemeral adj. 短暫的fleeting; short-lived; transitory
59.  evanescent adj. 短暫即逝的fleeting; ephemeral
60.  euthanasia n. 安樂死 mercy killing
61.  expatiate v. 詳述 to write or speak at length
62.  incipient adj. 初期的 beginning
63.  indolent adj. 懶惰的 idle; lazy
64.  insouciant adj. 無憂無慮的逍遙的carefree
65.  intact adj. 完整的 whole; untouched
66.  intemperance n. 無節制飲食過度lack of moderation or restraint; addition to excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages.
67.  intercede v. 代為說情的調停 to plead on another’s behalf; to act as mediator in a dispute.
68.  intermittent adj. 間歇的斷斷續續的on and off; stopping and starting at intervals
69.  intervene v. 介入干預 to come between, as in action
70.  intransigence n. 不妥協 refusal to come to an agreement or compromise
71.  introspect v. 內省to examine one’s own mind or its contents reflectively
72.  introvert n. 內向的人
73.  extrovert n. 外向的人
74.  tactics n. 策略手段、戰術
75.  tact n. 圓滑社交手腕 a keen sense of what to say or do to avoid offense; skill in dealing with difficult or delicate situations
76.  juxtapose v. 並列 to place side by side
77.  abstemious adj. 有節制的飲食有度的refraining from pleasure, and food or strong drink in particular.
78.  abstruse adj. 深奧難懂的 difficult to comprehend
79.  acumen n. 敏銳明智 keenness of insight
80.  affluent adj. 富裕的 wealthy
81.  bona fide adj. 真誠的 done or made in good faith
82.  capricious adj. 善變的反覆無常的 changeable
83.  desultory adj. 無目的的散漫的random; passing from one thing to another in a disorganized way
84.  digress v. to turn aside from one’s main subject離題
85.  equanimity n. 平靜鎮定calm
86.  equivocate v. 說話模稜兩可 to make vague statements
87.  explicate v. 詳細解說闡明 to make clear the meaning of; to explain
88.  gainsay v.否認 to deny; to contradict
89.  garner v. 收藏收集儲藏to store; to gather up and save
90.  garrulous adj. 多嘴的嘮叨的
91.  gist n.主旨要點the main point
92.  gregarious adj. 群居的tending to move in a herd, flock; sociable and enjoying the company of others
93.  illuminate v. to provide or brighten with light; to make understandable or to clarify 照明闡明、解釋
94.  imminent adj. 即將來臨的逼近的impending; about to occur
95.  insomnia n.失眠 chronic inability to sleep
96.  synopsis n. 大綱摘要a brief statement or outlined of a subject
97.  synthetic adj. 合成的人工的 artificial
98.  intercept v. 中途攔截to take, seize, or halt someone or something on the way from one place to another; to cut off from a destination
99.  esoteric adj. 奧秘的只有少數人懂的known only to a small group
100.  eugenics n. 優生學 a science dealing with the improvement of the hereditary qualities of a race of breed.
101.  invoke v. 懇求 beseech
102.  intricate adj. 複雜的complicated
103.  epidemic adj. 流行傳染性的
104.  epitome n. 典型縮影
105.  aforementioned adj. 前述的 aforesaid
106.  foreground n. 最引人注意之地位forefront; prominence
107.  deplorable adj. 可悲的 very bad
108.  indigence adj. 貧乏的 very poor
109.  fecundity n. 豐饒
110.  meritorious adj. 值得稱讚的有功績的deserving great praise
111.  insinuate v. 暗示to suggest, without being direct, that something unpleasant is true
112.  allegiance n. 忠誠 loyalty and support for a ruler, country, group, or belief
113.  palate 味覺 n.
114.  permutation n.變更one of several different forms
115.  filial adj. 孝順的
116.  dividend n. 紅利
117.  malfunction n. 故障 bad function
118.  perspicuous adj. 明白明顯的lucid
119.  pertain v. 適於屬於belong
120.  prerequisite n. 必備之事something required beforehand
121.  prerogative n. 特權 claim; privilege
122.  presentiment n. 預感apprehension
123.  pretext n. 藉口 excuse
124.  procure v. 取得obtain; secure
125.  prodigal adj. 揮霍、奢侈、浪費的
126.  stupendous adj. 驚人的、了不起的:巨大的 (5/22)
127.  instantaneous adj. 瞬間的﹔即時的
128.  adamant adj. 堅硬無比的堅定不移的
129.  complaisant adj. 彬彬有禮的:殷勤的 willing to please; tending to consent to other’s wishes
130.  debonair adj. 溫文爾雅的和藹可親的courteous, gracious and having a sophisticated charm
131.  amenable adj.有責任、應服從responsive to suggestion
132.  congenial adj. 宜人的令人舒適愉快的
133.  fatigue n. 疲勞﹔疲累
134.  nondescript adj. 沒特徵或特色的lacking character or qualities; hard to describe
135.  nonchalant adj. 冷漠的漠不關心的 unconcerned
136.  nubile adj 適婚的marriageable
137.  arrogate v. 霸佔; 冒稱; 擅取 arrogate sth to yourself -formal -to claim that you have a particular right, position etc without having the legal right to it
138.  dissemble v. 掩飾假裝to hide; to conceal; to disguise
139.  dissimulate v. 掩飾假裝to disguise under a feigned appearance
140.  simulation test n. 模擬考
141.  disseminate v. 傳播散播
142.  sedative n. 鎮定劑
143.  elusive adj. 難以捉摸的 difficult to capture
144.  embezzle v. 侵吞公款 to steal money or good entrusted to one
145.  emulate v. 競爭爭勝盡力趕上to strive for equality; to compete with successfully  
146.  endorse v. 背書贊同支持
147.  euthanasia n. 安樂死 mercy killing
148.  inhale v. 吸氣
149.  inhalation n. 吸氣
150.  exhale v. 呼氣 to breathe out; to emit air  (5/22 考到150)
151.  evince v. 表明表示表現to show clearly; to indicate; to manifest (6/2最後一次小考)
152.  erudite adj. 博學的 learned; scholarly
153.  savant n. 飽學之士a knowledgeable or learned person
154.  extant adj. 現存在殘存的still in existence
155.  feasible adj. 可行的 capable of being carried out; practicable
156.  fatuous adj. 愚昧的 stupid
157.  frugal adj. 節儉的 economical; not spending freely
158.  futile adj. 徒勞的無用的ineffectual; useless
159.  garble v. 曲解扭曲 to distort or scramble so as to be unintelligible
160.  genocide n. 種族滅絕之大屠殺 the deliberate annihilation of a racial, political, or cultural group
161.  holocaust n. 大燒殺大屠殺浩劫great or total destruction by fire; a massive slaughter or genocide
162.  gratuitous adj. 無緣無故的沒有道理的unjustified; unwarranted
163.  hyperbole n. 誇張的說法 an exaggeration or extravagant statement used as a figure of speech
164.  impecunious adj. 貧窮的一文不名的penniless; lacking money
165.  knack n. 才能技能 a specific talent for doing something; a clever trick
166.  laborious adj. 艱苦的費力的 requiring hard work; labored
167.  larceny n. 竊盜罪竊盜theft; the felonious taking of one’s property
168.  recapitulate v. 摘要重述to repeat in concise form; to summarize
169.  recidivism n. 累犯 a chronic relapse into antisocial behavior patterns
170.  relapse v. 重新陷入故態復萌 + into, to fall back or revert to a former state; to regress after partial recovery from illness; to slip back into bad ways
171.  scribble v. 潦草書寫塗鴉to write hurriedly without heed to legibility or style; to cover with
172.  superfluous adj. 多餘的 beyond what is required or sufficient; extra
173.  repudiate v. 否認棄絕拒絕 to reject the validity of; to refuse to recognize or pay; to reject as untrue; to disown
174.  resolute adj. 堅決的果決的剛毅的characterized by firmness or determination; unwavering; firmly resolved.

175.  stamina n. 耐力 endurance (6/2最後一次小考

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