I think Juliet is a girl who don't know love and when it comes to fall in love with someone, she becomes aggressive and trys to keep the feelings inside her mind but she can't. Just like the line "I have no joy of this contract tonight" she does wants something to happen, but she pretends like she doesn't
In my own opinions, Juliet was young, and quiet impulsive. In the act, she just acted with her emotion. That was quiet romantic, but for me, it also reckless. Maybe if she can consider more, the outcome will turn out differently.
Juliet hopes that Romeo can make a promise. (O, swear not by the moon, th' inconstant moon, That monthly changes in her circled orb, Lest that thy love prove likewise variable.)
我認為茱麗葉對於愛情是非常專情的,即便知道羅密歐是她家族仇敵,但是茱麗葉選擇拋開家族的成見,追尋及思念她所愛的人,對於這樣的愛情是非常偉大 Deny Thu father and refuse Thu name, Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I'll no longer be a Capulet.
Juliet is a little headstrong but brave woman. She decided to forgive Romeo's fault and she was regardless of everything because of the love. She was not afraid to face the death. Because love conquered all.
I think Juliet doesn't know about "love". Maybe she didn't have any experience before, so when she fell in love with Romeo, she would think Romeo is the world. Even they are enemies. She didn't think about the consequence. In the article, she said, tis but thy name that is my enemy.without the title. Romeo, doff thy name, and , for thy name, which is no part of thee, take all myself.
Juliet is a wayward and intelligent figure, although she was very young, brave and bold many, to avoid the marriage chosen by her father to fight for their love, discover her lover dead, decided to accompany her lover to die.
I think Juliet is so feministic because she asked Romeo to refuse his name. But that is not bad. I also think Juliet is such a brave girl because she faces to some trouble bravely.
一個為愛而生的女生最後悲劇的結局覺得很可憐 O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I'll no longer be a Capulet.
I think Juliet is a open-minded woman. She has avant-garde thought. When she fall in love with Romeo, she insisted to stay with him. Even she have give up her family.
Romeo is like me, Juliet is my wondering girl that I have ever imagined. If I met the girl in that time, I would probably go straight, abandon everything that I had have. The age is changed between year from year. The Love is immediately. Whatever we do means what we get. Nowadays, the encouragement has been changed by human beings.
瘋狂渴求羅密歐的愛,即使拋下一切,仍在所不惜(Deny thy father and refuse thy name, Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I'll no longer be a Capulet.)
回覆刪除我認為茱麗葉因為從小被爸媽保護的太好所以對於愛這件事情太過於期待才會這麼快和羅密歐墜入愛河 進而跟羅密歐結婚 所以我認為她因為剛好看順眼羅密歐才跟他蹦出這麼大的火花要求親吻想更進一步瞭解愛這件事.
回覆刪除我覺得茱麗葉是個強勢的女生,因為他叫羅密歐refuse thy name.
I think Juliet is a girl who don't know love and when it comes to fall in love with someone, she becomes aggressive and trys to keep the feelings inside her mind but she can't. Just like the line "I have no joy of this contract tonight" she does wants something to happen, but she pretends like she doesn't
刪除Juliet是個專情且真摯的女人,If that thy bent of love be honorable, Thy purpose marriage, send me word tomorrow.
回覆刪除In my own opinions, Juliet was young, and quiet impulsive. In the act, she just acted with her emotion. That was quiet romantic, but for me, it also reckless. Maybe if she can consider more, the outcome will turn out differently.
回覆刪除Juliet hopes that Romeo can make a promise.
回覆刪除(O, swear not by the moon, th' inconstant moon,
That monthly changes in her circled orb,
Lest that thy love prove likewise variable.)
Is it true?
刪除No, I'm not sure.
回覆刪除Deny Thu father and refuse Thu name,
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
And I'll no longer be a Capulet.
回覆刪除Juliet is a little headstrong but brave woman. She decided to forgive Romeo's fault and she was regardless of everything because of the love. She was not afraid to face the death. Because love conquered all.
回覆刪除對於感情 付出毫無保留
但是這種愛太淒美 太沈重
或許是年齡的關係 一見鍾情才顯得合理
才顯得愚蠢 才有著一般人感受不到的美
刪除她不是個害羞的人 因為她在第一次見面就讓羅密歐親她
回覆刪除但她很專情也很勇敢 看到羅密歐死掉也毫不猶豫ㄉ跟著他一起死
回覆刪除I think Juliet doesn't know about "love". Maybe she didn't have any experience before, so when she fell in love with Romeo, she would think Romeo is the world. Even they are enemies. She didn't think about the consequence. In the article, she said, tis but thy name that is my enemy.without the title. Romeo, doff thy name, and , for thy name, which is no part of thee, take all myself.
回覆刪除Juliet is a wayward and intelligent figure, although she was very young, brave and bold many, to avoid the marriage chosen by her father to fight for their love, discover her lover dead, decided to accompany her lover to die.
回覆刪除I think Juliet is so feministic because she asked Romeo to refuse his name. But that is not bad. I also think Juliet is such a brave girl because she faces to some trouble bravely.
回覆刪除O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
And I'll no longer be a Capulet.
回覆刪除I think Juliet is a open-minded woman. She has avant-garde thought. When she fall in love with Romeo, she insisted to stay with him. Even she have give up her family.
回覆刪除Romeo is like me, Juliet is my wondering girl that I have ever imagined.
回覆刪除If I met the girl in that time, I would probably go straight, abandon everything that I had have.
The age is changed between year from year.
The Love is immediately. Whatever we do means what we get.
Nowadays, the encouragement has been changed by human beings.