2023年7月24日 星期一

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite (痛悔的) heart, O God, you will not despise (鄙視).
Sacrifices performed by the Jews do not win God's favor as they had believed. Instead, what God desires is a contrite and humble heart. In other words, what truly matters to God is the condition of the heart. A humble spirit, accompanied by genuine repentance, is what God finds pleasing.

The one who offers thanksgiving

The one who offers thanksgiving (感謝) as his sacrifice (獻祭) glorifies (讚美、榮耀)me; to one who orders his way rightly I will show the salvation (拯救) of God!
凡以感謝獻祭的就是榮耀我;那按正路而行的,我必使他得着上帝的救恩。(詩篇50. 23)

Psalms tells us “For h

Psalms tells us “For he sees that even the wise die;/ the fool and the stupid alike must perish/ and leave their wealth to others. . . Be not afraid when a man becomes rich, when the glory of his house increases. For when he dies he will carry nothing away; his glory will not go down after him. For though, while he lives, he counts himself blessed—and though you get praise when you do well for yourself—his soul will go to the generation of his fathers, who will never again see light. Man in his pomp yet without understanding is like the beasts that perish. (49.10, 16-20).
他必見智慧人死,又見愚頑人和畜類人一同滅亡,將他們的財貨留給別人. . . 見人發財、家室增榮的時候,你不要懼怕;因為,他死的時候什麼也不能帶去;他的榮耀不能隨他下去。他活著的時候,雖然自誇為有福;他仍必歸到他歷代的祖宗那裡,永不見光。人在尊貴中而不醒悟,就如死亡的畜類一樣。(詩篇49:10)
The outcome is the same for both wise and ignorant people, as well as for the rich and the poor. Their ultimate fate is death, and death renders everything meaningless. The pursuit of wisdom cannot be our ultimate goal and purpose in life, and the pursuit of wealth cannot be the meaning of our existence, because with the arrival of death, all of these cease to exist alongside us.

2023年7月10日 星期一

God is our refuge

God is our refuge (避難所)and strength, a very present (在場的、當前的) help in trouble. 2Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, 3though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling. 神是我們的避難所、是我們的力量、是我們在患難中隨時的幫助。所以地雖改變、山雖搖動到海心、其中的水雖匉訇翻騰、山雖因海漲而戰抖、我們也不害怕。(詩篇46:1-3)