2013年10月31日 星期四

Chapter VI. How to write a motivation letter[1] (Cover Letter)

Chapter VI.
How to write a motivation letter[1] (Cover Letter)

A. The Cover Letter (CL) is the document that accompanies your CV when you are applying for a job. For academic purposes, the document used is typically called statement of purpose, and is laid out after somewhat different rules. The CL is short (200-250 words), with a quite rigid structure and has the layout of a letter. Its goal is to introduce the CV, to bring to attention aspects of your activity that can help your application and are not listed or not presented in the proper light in the CV. In short, its goal is to answer the recruiter's question: "Why should I hire this person?".

Chapter V. How to write a Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Chapter V.
How to write a Curriculum Vitae (CV)[1]

A.The CV (resume, in American English) is meant to introduce you and your background to somebody who does not know you and barely has time to get to know you. It should present you in the best possible light, in a concise and well-structured manner.
B. A regular CV for business purposes should definitely not go over one A4 page. If you intend to use it for academic purposes and not for a job, the CV can pass that limit, on the condition that you use the extra space to describe academic activities, like conferences, publications list, etc.
C. A well-written CV shows first what is most important, but contains all relevant information. To this goal, we advise you to adapt it to your target (specific type of job or scholarship).

2013年10月30日 星期三

2 A(C) Report: Prepositions

靜宜大學  英國語文學系
周露曼 Michelle

介词 prepositions

(1)on the book
1 (  关于   ) 
2 大约 )=around 
1 the poem is basically about love
2 she is probably about/around twenty.(do not use round here)

we all sat round/around a table.
From one side of an area to another

 作为 成为
 Like =similar to

Chapter IV. Effective Sentences: Developing a Concise Style

Chapter IV.
Effective Sentences: Developing a Concise Style[1]

A.  Avoid Deadwood Constructions
1. The reason the starving novelist drove 50 miles to a new restaurant was because it was serving his favorite chicken dish. . .
2.  The starving novelist dove 50 miles to a new restaurant because it was serving his favorite chicken dish. . .
3. Because of the fact that his surfboard business failed after only a month, my brother decided to leave Minnesota.
4. Because his surfboard business failed after only a month, my brother decided to leave Minnesota.

2013年10月25日 星期五

2 A(C) Report: Adverbs and Adverbial Phrases

 E2A(c) 賴暄儒Shelly 鄧皓庭Sandy

Adverbs and Adverbial Phrases (p.62-70)
Ø  Adverb: If you want to say how someone does something, or how something happens, you need to use an adverb and not an adjective.
Ø  List of Adverbs:

2013年10月19日 星期六



20131014 公務人力發展中心203


2013年10月18日 星期五

無可取代的男女兩性婚姻 駁所謂「同性婚姻」及其法制化提議




   1.所謂「同性婚姻」(same-sex marriage),即同性別者所締結的婚姻。這是否為婚姻?要回答這個問題,就要先定義什麼是婚姻。
  「婚姻」(marriage)意指,締結的男女雙方誓願相互委身,彼此忠誠,樂於共同生養兒女,建構家庭,維繫倫常秩序,以實現人性價值與生命意義的盟約關係(covenantal relationship)...... (繼續閱讀)文章出處連結

2013年10月14日 星期一

Jamie Jorge

Born in Cuba in 1970, Jaime began violin studies at the age of five. 
    When he was ten, Jaime's family immigrated to the United States, and he began lessons with the eminent violinist Cyrus Forough, a student of the great David Oistrakh. He had always dreamed of being a missionary doctor. 
    Following college graduation from Loyola University of Chicago, Jaime was accepted into the University of Illinois medical school in Champaign/Urbana. But God had other plans for this gifted artist. Jaime says, “After months of praying, a very clear signal came for me to leave medical school and go into music ministry full time.” Jaime Jorge's forceful, expressive mastery of the violin has delighted audiences around the globe. A committed Christian, Jaime has dedicated his unique talent to sharing God's love through sacred/classical concerts and special appearances. Since 1988, Jaime has performed in a multitude of settings: from high school auditoriums to the world-renowned Carnegie Hall; from thatch-roof churches to The Lincoln Center and the Crystal Cathedral; from simple folks to the President of the United States. His music has blessed audiences across North and South America, Europe, Australia, Asia, and Africa. Jaime averages over 200 concerts annually, and has performed in almost 50 countries. In 2012, Jaime celebrated 25 years of God’s music ministry. . . 

Crossing the Bar/ Alfred Tennyson

A Christian hymn of assurance that God will always be with us for comfort and guidance. Written by Alfred Tennyson, 1889. Sung in the video by the Altar Of Praise Chorale, from their album 'This is My Father's World.' 

Crossing the Bar

Sunset and evening star
   And one clear call for me!
And may there be no moaning of the bar,
   When I put out to sea,

But such a tide as moving seems asleep,
   Too full for sound and foam,
When that which drew from out the boundless deep
   Turns again home.

Twilight and evening bell,
   And after that the dark!
And may there be no sadness of farewell,
   When I embark;

For though from out our bourne of Time and Place
   The flood may bear me far,
I hope to see my Pilot face to face
   When I have crossed the bar.

"Near to the Heart of God" Jaime Jorge



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2013年10月7日 星期一

Chapter II. The Thesis statement

Chapter II.
The Thesis Statement

A.    What is a Thesis? What does a ‘Working Thesis’ Do?
1. “The thesis statement declares the main point or controlling idea of your entire essay” (Wyrick 32).[1]
2. a concise solution to the issue being addressed.
3. “Frequently located near the beginning of a short essay, the thesis answers these questions: ‘What is the subject of this essay?’ ‘What is the writer’s opinion on this subject?” What is the writer’s purpose in this essay? (to explain something? To argue a position? To move people to action? To entertain?” (32).
4. “A working thesis statement can be your most valuable organizational tool. Once you have thought about your essay’s main point and purpose, you can begin to draft your paper to accomplish your goals. Everything in your essay should support your thesis” (32).





