2014年10月27日 星期一

In Tenderness He Sought Me - Joke Buis

In Tenderness He Sought Me 
Words: W. Spen­cer Wal­ton, 1894., Music: Adon­i­ram J. Gor­don, 1894

Piano: Click Here

In tenderness He sought me,
Weary and sick with sin,
And on His shoulders brought me
Into His flock again.
While angels in His presence sang
Until the courts of heaven rang.

Oh, the love that sought me!
Oh, the blood that bought me!
Oh, the grace that brought me to the flock,
Wondrous grace that brought me to the flock!

Presentation 1-1: Cosmetic Surgery (10/28 宋芮)

Presentation 1-2: Secret Love (10/28 佳睿)

Presentation 1-3: Cyber Bullying (10/28 映萱)

Presentation 1-4: The Health Issue - Dangers of Electromagnetic Radiation (10/28 紓筠)

Presentation 1-5: Working Holiday (10/28 妙涵)

Presentation 1-6: Youth Subculture (10/28 莉絜)

Presentation 1-8: Cross-age love (10/28 友春)

2014年10月19日 星期日

Online Shopping (10/21 Group 1)


The Cultural Shocks of Overseas Students in Taiwan (10/21 Group 2)

Abortion (10/21 Group 3)

Travel Alone (10/21 Group 5)

The four cuisines of china (10/21 Group 7)

Let Me Take a Selfie (10/24 Group 4)

Teenage Mom (10/21 Group 6)

Love at Long Distance (10/21 Group 8)

Existing or Not (10/21 Group 9)

2014年10月5日 星期日

刑罰與教化/ 柯志明教授


20141005 大肚山研經室

    我們無從知道法院裁定對兩位殺人犯作心理鑑定的動機,也無意質疑或否定沈教授的專業,但這樣的裁定與鑑定卻需要也值得我們批評反省. . . .(繼續閱讀)文章連結出處