2018年5月25日 星期五

2018 弘光應用英語系 畢業公演

【2018 應用英語系畢業公演,弘光科技大學】



2018 弘公應用英語系 畢業公演

2018 弘公應用英語系 畢業公演

2018年5月21日 星期一


Luther, a man committed to universal education. Source: Getty


著名社會學家Alvin J. Schmidt 告訴我們:公立學校在現在的社會裡是一個很普遍的現象,但究其根源,公立學校以及義務教育的理念源自於基督徒馬丁路德(Martin Luther)。路德敦促形成一個國家級的學校系統,「包括本國的、兩性都能參加的初級學校、拉丁文中級學校以及大學」。路德的主要助手Philipp Melanchthon 實現路德的教育理念,遊說了德國政府實施第一個公立學校系統。這時設立公立學校的初衷是期待人們能受教育,認識耶穌基督。另外,Friedrich Froebel因基督信仰之緣故創立第一所幼稚園。Thomas Gallaudet創立第一所啟聰學校,為使聾人受教育,進而聽到福音。Louis Braille 開設盲人學校,並發明針刺浮凸點系統,正是由於受到耶穌基督精神的推動。Robert Raikes 創立主日學,幫助窮人家的孩子受教育,這初衷是為教授孩子聖經。


2018年5月14日 星期一

Great Expectations--Five New Words

Seven New Words
See Comments

Great Doctrines of the Bible—God the Father, God the Son/ Martyn Lloyd Jones

26. Christ the Prophet 

Prophet is “‘a man of God’, a messenger from God, one who has been given a word to speak by God” (292). In addition to foretelling, prophets “were sent by God to warn people, to chastise and rebuke them, to remind them of the character of the law, and of God’s promise” (292). 

Jones tells us that we “need a prophet because we need to be delivered and saved from the ignorance of sin” (291). Here, Christ “represents God with us; He speaks for God and from God to us” (292). 

Christ is the Prophet. Look at Deuteronomy “The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your brothers—it is to him you shall listen” (18:15). The Gospel of John tells us, “When the people saw the sign that he had done, they said, ‘This is indeed the Prophet who is to come into the world!’” (6:14). Jesus Christ also claimed to be a prophet (Luke 13:33). In John we read, “For I have not spoken on my own authority, but the Father who sent me has himself given me a commandment—what to say and what to speak. And I know that his commandment is eternal life. What I say, therefore, I say as the Father has told me” (12:49-50). 

2018年5月13日 星期日

Great Doctrines of the Bible—God the Father, God the Son/ Martyn Lloyd Jones

25. God-Man: The Doctrine 

This chapter emphasizes that our Lord Jesus Christ is truly God and truly man: “one person, two natures, the two natures unmixed, joined but not mixed, not fused, not intermingled, remaining separate, God and man” (282). It is essential to assert these two natures of Christ because “we must assert the manhood because since man sinned, the penalty must be borne in the nature of man. No one can bear the penalty of man’s sin except someone who is man Himself; it is the only way to redeem man. Then the payment of the penalty involves sufferings of body and of soul such as a man alone can bear; sufferings which God could not bear” (282). Moreover, Jones further explains, “He has to be a sympathetic high priest,” and “He can only be a sympathetic high priest by having a human nature, by being ‘in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin’ (Heb. 4:15). It is because He is like us that He is able to bear with us. He understand us, He knows our feelings and our frailty. We have a high priest who has been ‘touched with the feeling of our infirmities’ (Heb. 4:15). He knows us in that sense because He has a human nature” (282). In addition, “in order that His sacrifice might have infinite value, He had to be God as well as man” and “in order to ensure a perfect carrying out of the law, in order that might bear the wrath of God redemptively, and free us from the curse of the law, without the fear or failure, it was essential that the Godhead should be combined with the manhood” (283). 

2018年5月12日 星期六


著名社會學家Alvin J. Schmidt曾說:「只需要到一個阿拉伯國家或一些第三世界國家走一遭,就會看到在沒有或少有基督教影響的國家,婦女幾無自由。今天,許多激進的女權主義者對基督教表達一種強烈的憎恨,他們似乎沒有意識到如果沒有耶穌基督對他們的影響,西方婦女絕不會比今天中東伊斯蘭婦女享有更多自由。自由的確有其悖謬之處:它允許其受益人否認、唾棄他們得以自由的源頭,這就是:耶穌基督在婦女生活中產生的有利影響。」



2018年5月9日 星期三

Great Expectations 1-20/ 劉渝欣

A boy, Pip, met a convict in a village churchyard. The convict threatened Pip to bring him food and saw, but Pip treated him kindly. One day, dinner time, the police came to ask Joe some questions and invited Joe to find the convict together, and with Pip. Pip felt guilty but still went with them and watched the convict taken away. Pip had been taken to Miss Havisham, an old dowager's place. There, Pip saw a beautiful young girl who’s name’s Estella. He had a crush on her and also wanted Miss Havisham to give him the gentleman’s fortune. But later he found that Miss Havisham didn’t mean to give him anything but 25 pounds. Pip then began the apprenticeship till his adolescent. One day, Mrs. Joe, his sister, has been attacked, and Biddy moves in to nurse Mrs. Joe. Pip seemed like attracted to Biddy, but he still told Biddy his love of Estella. One day evening, Pip will inherit a large fortune and move to London and become a gentleman. Pip then being snobbish to people he loved, but by the evening before he left, he felt regret to leave them. And soon he found out that London was amazingly displeased and thronging.

Presentation 2-2

2018年5月8日 星期二

Great Expectations 1-20/ 柯定君

Pip is an orphan who lives with his overbearing sister and his sister’s husband, Joe, a blacksmith. Pip saves a convict by giving him a file. Pip is overwhelmed by a sense of guilt that he has not told the truth to Joe. Pip wants to get a gentleman’s fortune from Miss Havisham. Miss Havisham makes Pip to be Joe’s apprentice. Pip thinks Joe is common, rough and crude, so he hates working as Joe’s apprentice. Although Pip hates to work as Joe’s apprentice, he still tries hard to learn. Mrs.Joe becomes a brain-damaged invalid, because she has been attacked by someone. Biddy moves in to take care of Mrs.Joe. Pip feels jealous because Orlick flirts her. Pip inherits a large fortune, but he does not know who the benefactor is. Pip goes to London to have a education as a gentlemen.

Great Expectations 1-20/ 張晏禎

Pip was a young boy and he was a orphan. Then, Pip went to school and he made friend with Biddy. After that, Pumblechook has arranged for Pip to go play at house of Miss Havisham. When Pip went to the house, Estella criticized Pip's low social class and his unrefined manners. Pip thought Miss Havisham wanted to raise him from his low social standing and gave him a gentleman's fortune. Actually, Miss Havisham encouraged Estella to torment him. Then, Miss Havisham made Pip Joe's apprentice and Pip was devastated that she didn't meant to make him a gentleman. Pip inherited a large fortune and he became snobbery and he felt regreted at the same time .

Great Expectations 1-20/ 林佳慧

Pip saved a convict by offering him some food and a file to saw away his leg irons. After this, Pip was arranged to play with Estella at the house of Miss Havisham, a rich spinster. Because of playing at the house, Pip wanted to become a gentleman. However, Miss Havisham made Pip to be blacksmith Joe's apprentice. In the end, Pip inherited a large fortune and accepted the courses of becoming a gentleman. He considered the benefactor is Miss Havisham. Therefore, Pip went to London.