2022年2月24日 星期四

1102 Freshman English II


Course Title



Class Offered









Practice Hours



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五  2, 3, 4:伯鐸123
Language Used in class
100%英文100% English(以授課語言超過60%以上之語言為主Language of instruction is based on the language that is used more than 60% of class time.)主要教科書使用語言
Using Any Textbooks Written in a Foreign Language
英文 English
課程備註 Course Note
主要教科書及其他參考書 Textbook(s) and Reference(s) Used
1. Dummett, Paul, et al. Keynote 3. National Geographic Learning, 2016. ISBN: 978-1305965058.
2. Handouts
3. BBC
4. TOEIC Test
5. See Teacher's Website: "Sola Gratia: English, Literature, and the Bible." (http://english-literature-bible.blogspot.tw/)
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中文版課程簡介Course Description(Chinese Version)
這門課程開給英文系大一學生,旨在營造英語環境以提升學生英語學習興趣,加強聽、說、讀、寫四種英語文溝通能力,以達專業學術水準。它的特色在復習基本閱讀技巧並加強較進階閱讀技巧,介紹讀書技巧和文體,用在研討寫作上。在選讀英美名著和雜誌教科書文章、散文、短篇小說、小說和詩等,學習了解欣賞文學文化,並以英語討論報告。安排小說改編電影的觀賞討論小說文學,鼓勵學生開啟心智,並教導人性價值觀,無形之中給與人文教育涵養。介紹美國教育考試服務中心新托福TOEFL®iBT和托益TOEIC Tests 測驗技巧與題型。在這過程中批判式思考閱讀受鼓舞,並從網路書籍廣泛閱讀報告分享。電影欣賞、學院的書寫、散文範文使學生接觸世界議題,持續培養批判式思考策略。主題討論除幫助學生口說寫作演練外,還能建立個人價值觀、生活品質、欣賞世界文化。如此學生能培養在三個領域—英語教學、文學、語言學學習上英文專業的喜好。因此,也能有助於培養終生自我學習之道。
英文版課程簡介Course Description (English Version)
The purpose of this course is to promote student interest in the study of English within an English-speaking environment. It is also designed to improve communicative competence through the reading, listening, speaking and writing of English in order to meet academic requirements. This design focuses on the study of basic and advanced skills and styles by reading, writing, understanding and appreciating British and American literature and culture through the use of magazine articles, textbook passages, essays, poems, and short stories. It is also designed to encourage the student to open his or her mind through the discussion of literature and humanism using movies based on novels, and new strategies and activities for TOEFL®iBT and TOEIC Tests from ETS. Through this process, critical thinking is also encouraged by employing extensive reading selections and the use of internet resources for sharing. Film viewing, academic writings, sample essays continue to develop critical thinking skills by exposure to global issues. This will help the student to practice oral and written English and to build personal values, quality of life and an appreciation of global cultures. In this way the student is able to develop a professional fondness for English and thus to continue study in three areas – language, literature, and linguistics. Thus, this design will aid in preparing the student for self-study for a lifetime.
英國語文學系大學部教育目標Educational Goals
Competency Indicators
Items Fulfilling the Competency Indicators
課程之整體規劃與設計Course Description
Course Objectives


Competency Indicators

Teaching Strategies/Methods
Assessment Methods
Students can demonstrate communicative competence through the reading, listening, speaking and writing of English to meet academic requirements.
講述法(Lecturing)、小組討論(Group discussion)、問答法(Q & A methods)、學生上台報告(Presentation)小組報告(Group report)、小考(Quiz)、期中考(Mid-term exam)、期末考(Final exam)、口試(Verbal test)、上課參與討論(Participation & Discussion)、口頭報告(Oral Presentation)、上網次數/留言/參與發言(Records of website visiting /messages/discussion)
Students are required to study basic and advanced skills and styles by reading, writing, understanding and appreciating British and American literature and culture with magazine articles, textbook passages, essays, poems, and short stories.
講述法(Lecturing)、反覆練習法(例如,英聽)(Drill & practice (e.g.: Listening comprehension))、問答法(Q & A methods)、學生上台報告(Presentation)小組報告(Group report)、小考(Quiz)、期中考(Mid-term exam)、期末考(Final exam)、口試(Verbal test)、上課參與討論(Participation & Discussion)、上網次數/留言/參與發言(Records of website visiting /messages/discussion)
Students are introduced to various English language tests, such as TOEFL, TOEIC, and GEPT.
講述法(Lecturing)、小組討論(Group discussion)、個案討論(Case study)小組報告(Group report)、小考(Quiz)、期中考(Mid-term exam)、期末考(Final exam)、口試(Verbal test)、出席率(Attendance)、上課參與討論(Participation & Discussion)
評分方式及比重Grading Methods and Ratio
60% Participation & Assignment
20 % Mid-Term
20% Final
課業輔導時間Office Hours
星期五中午中午蓋夏圖書館F1By Appointments
各科授課進度與內容Course Syllabus and Teaching Content

2022年2月22日 星期二

1102 小說選讀分組

The Disabled Solider


2. “The misfortune held up to engage our attention”

Yes, we think we kind of agree with this phrase. For example, i have one friend with the same as mine, which is 20. He had misfortune to lose his father at such a young age, 14. He worked so hard to make sure his mom don’t have to worry about anything, to the point he manage to afford for his mom, his brother and his sister, he also bought 1 car with his own money, all at the age 20. He had his heart broken because of that, but he did come back stronger than ever.

3. No, we don’t really think that that the sufferers can get the comfort from other people’s admiration and pity. If we talk about the emotional comfort, some of them maybe can get the comfort, but i don’t think all people like to be pitied by the others. Some of them like to share about whats been going on on their life, while the others don’t. Mostly people can’t stand being pitied, because they are afraid of being treated differently. If we talked about the other comfort, for example, if the misfortune was they house get caught on fire, and then the other offered to give some money, and then there is this person who suddenly came and offered to give some money. I think yes, but there are not that many people who are willing to do these things. They often just feel symphaty. But all the pity and the sympathy won’t be any help for the suffers, they will still suffer.

4. We think that we agree with this phrase. Because if the world is looking on his life, he will feel like he can do anything and can prove it to anyone that he can do it.

5. Yes, we agree because they are stronger than the others. While they don’t have someone to talk to, someone to cheer them up or to help them, they still stand right there, in the middle of the misfortune that they must go through. They try in their own strength without relying or hoping on others. It’s very hard to know that you are in this misery or misfortune alone. They, those who are in the misery and don’t know for how long they will be in it, still try to do their best and don’t complain, surely are the best.

6. Yes, they do.

For example, as a student most of us desire to have a good grade. There are times where some of us would feel embarrassed for not having a good great or fail the course. Some of us feels like it would be a disaster if we can't pass this course and so on. But in the other hand, we forget that there are a lot of people who already feels the joy for being able to get the education or even feel very grateful for being able to barely fill their belly. Some events might be bad news for us but that doesn't mean that we should think it as a disaster. We should still be grateful for whatever we have and remember there are still a lot of people that have worse luck than us.

7. He explained that despite his misfortunes, he still has a lot to be gratitude and explain that there are more people that have gone through worse things than him. He always finds the joy even from a misfortune that happened to him.


"As for my misfortunes, master, I can't pretend to have gone through any more than other folks, for, except the loss of my limb and being obliged to beg, I don't know any reason, thank Heaven, that I have to complain. There is Bill Tibbs, of our regiment, he has lost both his legs and an eye to boot, but thank Heaven, it is not so bad with me yet."

"I had some disposition to be a scholar and was resolved at least to know my letters, but the master of the workhouse put me to business as soon as I was able to handle a mallet, and here I lived an easy kind of life for five years. I only wrought ten hours in the day and had my meat and drink Martil provided for my labor."

"People may say this and that of being in jail but for my part, I found Newgate as agreeable a place as ever I was in all my life. I had my belly full to eat and drink and did no work at all.

"I lost four fingers off the left hand, and my leg was shot off. If I had had the good fortune to have lost my leg and the use of Our hand on board a king's ship, and not aboard a privateer, I should have been entitled to clothing and maintenance during the rest of my life, but that was not my chance. One man is born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and another with a wooden ladle. However, blessed be God, I enjoy good health, and will forever love liberty and old England. Liberty, property, and old England, forever, huzza!"

8. Lost his dad when he was only five, unaccepted by any parish, obliged to work for the workshop, have to find for employment and starve, accused to be a poacher, collared and sent to jail, forced to be a soldier, injured in the breast, obliged to work among the negroes, lost his 4 fingers and leg.

9. Depends on the people itself, if the person is willing to try to understand the lesson from each misery, it could be a very great lesson for us. But if the person only understands how to complain for every misfortunes, that will not help

10. A very great story with a good plot. The only weakness that we found is maybe the fact that the languages are a little bit hard for a non-native person.

2022年2月21日 星期一

The Disabled Soldier


1. The narrator suffered hardships and lost his fingers and leg in a battle. Even though he suffered, he never complained and is thankful for his life. The narrator also mentioned that in one day, an ordinary soldier can suffer more hardship than the writers do. it just shows further how peaceful and tranquil the narrator's life is, and that's how we humans should perceive life.

2. It is true that the misfortunes of the great are held up to engage our attention. The tragedies of the wealthy are widely covered in newspapers and articles, whereas the tragedies of the poor are not mentioned or remain unaddressed. One example is Jesus. He has suffered any hardship as well to save humans' lives, and everybody knows about it because the misfortunes are held up to engage our attention.

3. Yes, we believe that the sufferers can get comfort from other people's admiration and pity. This is because people have the ability and capability of basic human decency, such as manners and politeness. People who suffered but received admiration can suffer less because they know that they are being felt by other people. They suffered, but if they ever experienced being loved by others, then they will have felt more peaceful and feel comfortable as well.

4. Yes, we agree that men will act bravely even in vanity because men have pride in themselves. Even if they suffer or feel any hardship, they will still have a strong and confident face, because they have their own pride. They would not show other people their weaknesses and will look strong on the outside. This is why men bearing misfortunes will act bravely.

5. Yes, we completely believe that people who look calm even in the midst of hardship are truly something to be admired. Just like the narrator who suffered hardship, he also stays calm, and even thanking God for his existence is something we should be admired about. He lived a hard life as a soldier, but still, he even overlook the fact that he suffered and just be thankful for his existence instead. This is just admirable.

6. We agree that people tend to overlook little things in life to be something more of a big problem. Little things in life such as a deadline or chores can be overlooked by some people to be a big thing, but actually is not. So, we feel that people magnify the slightest inconvenience of us into calamities.

7. "thank Heaven, it is not so bad with me yet" (7) and "Blessed be God, I enjoy good health" (12) shows that the narrator is happy with his life.

8. The poor fellow lost his four fingers on his left hand and his leg during a battle.

9. Having an acquaintance is better than living life based on a philosophy. we agree that having companionship is better than anyone's belief. Humans are social beings, so they need to have companionship and friendship to fulfill their human needs.

10. This story teaches humans how to be grateful for life. We need to be calm in spite of the hardship and suffering we had. Even if our suffering is unendurable, we need to be strong and have pride in ourselves. We need to overlook the fact that we have had hardship because all of us humans have at least one suffering in this world. It is how we humans perceive our own sufferings. We can either be happy with ourselves or worry too much about ourselves. We should be content with our life because God is with us.

The Disabled Solider


Q6: as the proverb said, “whenever people play football, it always rains, although that might be the coincidence, at that time people may feel terrible about raining.”

Q7: I had the liberty of the whole house, and the yard before the door, and that was enough for me. I was then bound out to a farmer, where I was up both early and late. But I ate and drank well, and liked my business well enough, till he died, when I was obliged to provide for myself, so I was resolved to go seek my fortune.

Q10: although the soldier is pitiful in the eyes of others,but himself doesn’t felt that way, maybe we should all learn from his strength. Don’t just run away from the difficulties or escape that. Think of any mid fortunes as preparing for a better future.

The Disabled Soldier


3. No, not everyone knows what the suffers have been through. Whether the things are suffering or not, are depending on themselves.

4. Yes, they may try to bear misfortune with fortitude in order to attract other’s sympathy and attention.

5. Yes, because he try to face the problems without other sympathy.
Because they didn’t face the hardest problem and want to get others’ attention.

8. (1)He lost his leg (2) He was kick out from the parish (3) He was sent to a workhouse (4) He was starved when he could get none (5) He was indicted at the sessions and found guilty of being poor

The Disabled Solider


3. No. What suffers have been through is already happened. They only tell their experience to people doesn’t mean they got comfort from people.

4. No. In my opinion, I don’t share my misfortunes to other people. I am brave because I make effort to confront it and go through it. Other people won’t bring me bravery.

5. Yes. If someone could act tranquility and indifference when he is suffering that means his inner is strong and powerful. So we think he is truly great.

6. Yes, people tend to magnify the slightest inconvenience into calamities. People would enlarge their inconvenience because we feel strongestly with what happen to us. When misfortune happen, we tend to compare our lives with the ones that better us. It leads to people to magnify their trivial problem. After all, we are not like the disabled soldier in the story.

7. The soldier mostly uses positive words to describe his miserable life. First, talking his experience at the workhouse, he says it was "enough" and he "ate and drank well", but everyone said he should run away.

He also descibe the jail was an "agreeable" place and "the kind of life was too good to last".(9)

He felt "happy" while "doing little jobs when he could get them"(9).

He also downplay his wound because he use "but" to descibe his severe breast wound.

He believed that his clothes tied up to be a blanket is warm enough.

In the end, he still enjoys good health despite having a very poor life.

1. father died when he was five years old.
2. none of the parish wanted him.
3. people decided his life and put him in a workhouse
4. put him to bussiness when he was just a kid.
5. bound out to a framer till he died
6. starved when he could not get employment.
7. indicted and put into jail
8. sold to the planter.
9. knock down by press-gang and enlisted
10. get a breast wound.
11. boatswain beat him
12. lost all of his money
13. lost four fingers off the left hand, and his leg was shot off

In our opinion, sometimes we need to have experienced the misery because that can make us grow up. At the other side, we should despise misery sometimes because it could make us have the determination to confront it

10. In this story, we could found that how happiness we are. We need to be more cherish what we have. But we can’t used to be failure all the time. We have to sometimes confront it by our own power.  The story is not only about suffering. It is about more to achieve a peaceful state of mind while dealing with misfortune. Compared with others, we already have enough in our lives.

The Disabled Solider


1. He took suffering from catastrophe easily. He think those who took misfortune easily was a real great.

2. Yes, I do agree. For example, Beethoven lost his hearing and keep doing his job as a composer and got lots of admirations from others.

3. Yes, because they suffered many disasters and wanted to get free. When people stared to show their sympathy to the suffers, they would be more happy.

4. I partially agree. Yes a man may be brave when be looked, but that doesn't mean that the braveness is all from vanity and the disfortune he bear isn't great.

5. Yeah, I agree, because when suffering from misfortune, he still took misfortune easily is not simple. I think the author was enjoying the hardships. I think experiencing something unhappy would make him be positive.

6. Yes, You felt hurt because you felt it. You don't and will never feel the misfortunes from others, thus the misfortunes on you are always more painful than those on the others.

7. because in the final part of the novel, he said “ I enjoy good health, and will for ever love liberty and old England. ” That means he didn’t complain anything about his misfortune.

(1)His father died when he was five.
(2)He had been sending from places to places when he was little.
(3)Lived and worked in the workhouse.
(4)He didn't always have food to eat when after he lost his job in the farm.
(5)He was found guilty to be poor and put in jail after he caught a hare in the justice's land.
(6)He was forced to be in the army.
(7)He was forced to be a sailor.
(8)He had faught with privateers for multiple times and during one fight he lost his fingers and leg.

9. No, I don’t agree, because sometimes you still need to escape from misfortune, and you can’t still live in it. Everyone wants to live in a happy life. You think the misfortune is a happy life, but others don’t think so. You can enjoy the hardship just like philosophy said but you can’t enmeshed in it for too long time.

10. This story is criticizing the old misfortune stories, but I think that is only because at then, the languages of word only serve the nobles, so they were just written the misfortunes they thought they were. Nothing to be angry about.

The Disabled Solider


1.A disabled soldier, a beggar, whose life has been one misery after another, one leg shot off, and four fingers of his left hand, unrelieved by any good fortune, but he takes great satisfaction in the little comforts of life, especially that he still lives, can eat and sleep, even if he has to beg for both. And he loves England. “Thus saying, he limped off, leaving me in admiration at his intrepidity and content.”

2. Agree, because the great often has a influence towards the society. Their misfortunes are held and everyone will pay attention. For an example, Korean idol is having a divorce, all of the media will be crazy over it and the fans/society will also affected by the news. Their misfortunes are held because there will be many audience that will pay attention.

3. Yes because when others people shows the admiration and feel pity to the sufferers, the sufferers will feel get support and encourage from the others. So he will feel there is a hope and ready to bear the suffers with fortitude

4. No we don't agree, because every single person needs someone to support him for act bravely bearing misfortune. Every man has enough courage to be in the spotlight of others but men don't have enough courage to bear misfortune when no one is pushing him. So a man will feel no hope to bear the misfortune.

5. Agree, because facing problems/misfortunes is not easy to face alone.

6. Yes, most of the great misfortunes are a pleasure for the poor.

7. Reason1 I knew him to have been honest and industrious when in the country and was curious to learn what had reduced him to his present situation. Reason2 As for my misfortunes, master, I can't pretend to have gone through any more than other folks, for, except the loss of my limb and my being obliged to beg, I don't know any reason, thank Heaven, that I have to complain. There is Bill Tibbs, of our regiment, he has lost both his legs and an eye to boot, but, thank Heaven, it is not so bad with me yet.

8. His broken leg left him relying on wooden legs, and his father died when he was five years old. At the same time, he also became a wanderer.

9. Yes we agree, If we face the suffer by our own we gonna feel how the suffer is and we can know how the way to bear the suffers, but if we just recognized the suffer from other people, we could not know how the suffers and pain feels like.

10. The story is very hard to understand with having many vocab that is rarely used

The Disabled Solider


2. Yes. For example, Helen Keller was deafen and blind when she was still a baby. Because of Helen’s teacher, Anne Sullivan, she was educated and managed to graduate from the college.

3. Yes. We think that sufferers would feel better if someone could relate to them.

4. Yes. We agree that most people will act bravely in bearing misfortunes when the whole world is looking on because some sufferers might worry the criticisms and judgements of the society and the way other people look at them; therefore, they must pretend to be strong on the outside.

5. We partially agree. Facing difficulties with tranquility and indifference is a great thing. But emotionally, it is actually hard to do so.

6. Yes. People usually magnify their slightest inconvenience to achieve certain purposes. For example, people tend to make excuses for their own fault in their daily lives.

7.(1) Bill Tibbs has lost both of his legs and an eye to boot, but the poor fellow only lost his limb, so he thought it was not so bad.
(2) He only wrought ten hours in the day and had his meat and drink provided, but he was not suffered to stir out of the house.
(3) His life in the prison is too good to last for ever.
(4) He was happy that he worked his passage home, and glad he was to see old England.
(5) He received but one wound through the breast.
(6) His forty pounds when he was beaten was a comfort for him.
(7) He was used to life in a jail because he was seasoned.
(8) He lost four fingers off the left hand, and his leg was shot off, but he enjoyed good health and will for ever love liberty, property and old England.
(9) Except the loss of his limb and his being obliged to beg, he didn’t know any reason to complain.

(1) His father died when his was still little, so he was put upon the parish and was kept sending from a parish to another for so long.
(2) When he was obliged to receive for himself, so he was resolved to sell his fortune.
(3) He went from town to town, worked when he could get employment, and starved when he could get none.
(4) He was indicated at the sessions, found guilty of being poor.

9. Yes. We agree because people could be more durable when facing misfortunes if they had more related experience. Ignoring problems and difficulties will only do nothing but making people weak.

10. We think the meaning behind the story is critical, since it shows us the dark side of people and how people actually react to different situations, and explain how habitual acquaintances help us do better. We believe this short story would help us know and understand more about ourselves.

The Disabled Solider


1. The great, under the pressure of calamity, are conscious of several others sympathising with their distress, and have, at once, the comfort of admiration and pity.

2. No we don’t agree. We think they just magnify their misfortune but they might have no idea that there are more people who are suffering from more terrible tragedies.

3. we think we agree that the sufferers can get comfort from other people’s admiration and pity. Because the sufferers might need attention from others and the comfort words from others might make them feel better.

4. we agree that men often act bravely. The main reason that they do so might come from the pressure and the stereotype of the society that men have to be brave. Therefore, they often act bravely even when they are overwhelmed.

5. Yes! We agree. Though they have no support from friends or others. Still, they are able to go through all the misfortune by themselves with their strong mentality and optimistic thoughts .

6. We think when people are in the circumstances of calamity often magnify the slightest inconvenience. Because when we suffer from misfortune, we can barely stand an optimistic mind. Therefore, people usually magnify the slightest misfortune when we encounter adversity.

7. He has lost both his legs and an eye to boot. (7)
Though he was bound for a farmer and work from him for ten hours in a day, he thought he ate and drank well, and liked my business well enough.(8)
I had still, however,my forty pounds, and that was some comfort to me under every beating.((11)
they were not used to life in jail, but, for my part, it was nothing to me.(11)
Warm blanket-which was all the clothes I had(11)

8. two men knocked me down(9)
he beat me without considering what he was about (10)
I lost four fingers off the left hand, and my
leg was shot off.(12)

9. we agree that habitual acquaintance with misery serves better than philosophy to teach us to despite it. Because people who have been through a lot of misery can become stronger to face adversity.

10. Though people often use philosophy to teach us . But If we have no experience of suffering from misfortune, we won’t feel the tremendous pain that others have been through. Also, we might encounter some slightest problems and we might think it is something miserable and complain about it and have no idea what the others have been through.

The Disabled Solider


1.The author talks about the sufferings of the great and the differences of hardships of great people and normal people.Even more,the story is supported with the disabled soldier's story,describing how he was tortured in jails and labor camps,but he still retained a firm attitude toward life in the end.

2.No,I think the misfortunes of the great are too far to engage.For example,I think that the stories of the poor are more real than the stories of the great.Due to the fact that they are easily accessible among us,plain and real.

3.In my humble opinion,I don't think that the sufferers care about what others think of them after all the hardships they've gone through.To me,pity and admirations are superficial elements that great minds don't value as something important.

4.Yes,when under the spot light,everyone wants to be in his or her best performance.No matter how distressed they were.They would clean up themselves and slow their most positive side to the audience.

5. Yes. To me,whoever finds meanings and hope in the abyss of suffering,is someone that people should remember for centuries.All great minds must conquer their fears and absurdity to truely live their lives in my opinion.

6.Yes,people all do so and also boasting is why those those greats became legendary.They magnifying their slightest inconvenience into calamities and smallest achievement into glories.

7.Against all odds,there are many times that the sailor said he managed to find hope.When he lost his fingers and a leg,he compared someone's more miserable experience to his.When he was in prison,his mind wasn't locked up.Instead,he said that he was well fed without working.

8. He was forced to work for meal and then was inprisoned and Then fored to work in a farm then to be a soldier.At last.he became a sailor and lost his leg.

9.No,I understand that this story might bring readers closer to reality,but there are also many philosophy ideas that doesn't teach people to hate sufferings.The idea of absurdism advocates people to embrace the absurd things in life,which is something like the idea of the story.

10.Everyone suffers in the world,and the disabled guy teaches us not to look at bad side but the good side of things you go through.

The Disabled Solider


1.Although a disabled soldier got one leg, four fingers of his left hand, and a not perfect lifetime,he is satisfied with his life. He is happy because at least he get to eat and sleep. The most important reason is that he is alive.
2. Yes we agree. For example, the guy from “The Tinder Swindler”, who lied to many women, got famous after being the main character.

3.Yes, we think the sufferers can get comfort from other people’s admiration and pity. Even though things have happened, people’s admiration can give them encouragement and it’s a proof of affirming what they did.

4. Yes, we agree that men in such circumstances will act bravely even from motives of vanity. Because of the stereotype from the public, men should act they are brave enough even though it is actually not.

5.Yes, we agree. It’s always hard for people to face their fears or difficulties. Thus, those people who can face the setbacks peacefully is really worth respecting and admiring.

6. Yes, we think people always magnify the slightest inconvenience of us into calamities.
People may actually do not know that there are more severe damage happened in every corner of the world. We should cherish what we own instead of complaining.

8. (1)His father died when he was five.
(2)None of his perish is willing to raise him.
(3)He was sending to workhouse and worked there.
(4)He always starve after he lost his job.
(5)He was indicted and put into jail
(6)He lost four fingers off the left hand, and his leg was shot off.

9. Yes. We agree with this. For us, philosophy is something that only written in textbooks. But the experience that we have of facing the misery serves is existing. It really happens in our life.