2024年4月24日 星期三

After Takeoff


6 則留言 :

  1. 第四組(江泓熹 賴思翰 曾彥瑞 魏琮樺沒到):
    A: No smoking, please. fasten your seatbelt and return to your seat shortly. Instructions must be followed.
    B: Sorry, missed that. Is the turbulence normal?
    A: Yes, it's common. Please fasten your seatbelt. Can I serve you anything else?

  2. 第二組
    A:Now let me explain to you what to do after takeoff. Please don’t smoking on the plane. If there is anything you need, I will disteribute it shortly.
    B:Excuse me.How long will this last?
    A:Only a few minutes.
    B:I feel sick to my stomach and dizzy.
    A:Here is an air sickness.

  3. 第七組:張芷瑜、楊琇惠、葉思宏、葉心舞、陳家增

    (On the airplane )
    Amy:I feel sick and want to throw up.
    Ed: What's wrong? Do you need an air sickness bag.
    Amy:Yes. Could you call the flight attendant shortly ?
    Ed: OK, wait a minute.

  4. 第一組
    A:We want to order some dishes.
    B:We serve a meals after five minutes.Here is our menu
    A:I want to order the low-fat meal. And you?
    C:I want to order sunny-side up and hash browns.

    (After the meal)
    C:I feel like I’m going to throw up.
    A:I think you are getting air sick.Excuse me?
    B:How can I help you sir?
    A:Do you have an air sickness bag?
    B:Yes,we have.Just wait a minute.

  5. 第六組(劉宜郡、陳劭哲、王衍智、許婕憶、黃品慈)
    Flight Attendant: Ladies and gentlemen, we'd like to remind you that instruction following takeoff includes no smoking. We'll distribute headsets shortly for your entertainment.
    Passenger: Thanks. I'll grab some snacks from my bag to tide me over until the meal service.
    Flight Attendant: Enjoy! And don't worry, the air-conditioning jets will keep you comfortable throughout the flight.

  6. 第八組(李芸儀 汪暐璇 林語柔 周杰霖 袁紫瑩 許瑋晴 卓雅婷 陳婕嫻 陳鈺淇 許毓涵)2024年4月24日 上午11:44

    A: "Hey, feeling okay for the flight?"
    B: "Not really, knots in my stomach. I might throw up."
    A: "Oh no, grab the air sickness bag."
    B: "Yeah, I gotta go get it. Can you cover for me?"
    A: "Sure thing, go ahead. I'll keep an eye out."
