2014年11月24日 星期一

1. 蒙迪 The happiest baby

2. 惠翔 one week plan to LA

3. 晏如

4. 張翕 One Piece Painting Lane

5. 喻淇 Volleyball

6. 文意 "Day Day Cook" Cookery Programme

7. 妙靜 My topic is how to make the honey sponge cake

8. 潔潔 film review - interstellar

9. 宋芮 How to make yogurt

11. 可筠 How to play volleyball

12. 友春

13. 姿均

14. 麗婷 The train stations about Yongbao Ankang

15. 芝妏

16. 毓微

19. 妙涵

20. 旭陽

23. 知巡

26. 婉茜

28. 柏慈 Music Lifestyle

29. 佳睿

2014年11月10日 星期一

理院簡報 Presentation 3: Tourism in Syria (11/11 敘華)

理院簡報 Presentation 3: The Republic of Indonesia (11/10 慧琴)

Presentation 1-2: 11.11 (11/11 蒙迪)

Presentation 1-4: How much do we know about Emoji? (11/11 敏君)

Presentation 1-5: Therapy Dogs (11/11 芝妏)

Presentation 1-6: Hand Gestures in Different Cultures (11/11 毓微)

Presentation 1-7: Homosexuality (11/11 鐘鎮)


Presentation 1-8: The Benefits of Quitting Junk Food (11/11 麗婷 )

2014年11月2日 星期日

Presentation 1-1: 5 Tips for leading a better life (11/04 柏慈)

Presentation 1-2: Bullying (11/04 可筠)

Presentation 1-3: Give Yourself a "LV" (Long Vocation) (11/04 文意)

Presentation 1-4: Life in Los Angeles (11/04 思穎)

Presentation 1-5: Sleeping Beauty Illness is no Fairytale (11/04 惠翔)

Presentation 1-6: Love Guam (11/04 豈瑋)

Presentation 1-7: My Favorite Country (11/04 璟皓)

Presentation 1-8: Ashly Covington (11/04 張翕)

Presentation 1-9: Why taking a trip by a traveling ship? (11/04 妙靜)