2019年7月18日 星期四

Coram Deo

"Just think how would you live if you were acutely conscious that you were acting out what you were doing and speaking what you were saying in the immediate presence of God?" "If you knew Christ were in the room watching you every minute, would you behave the way you behave?"

Luther's big idea: All of life is to be lived Coram Deo (before the face of God, in the presence of God, under the authority of God to the glory of God.)

"while we are pursuing and seeking after the face of God, we realize that everything that we do is visible to Him."

"If we are conscious of living our life, Coram Deo, and that we are aware that everything that we're doing, we're doing in the name of Christ, and in the presence of Christ, then we'll be a little bit more conscious of seeking to honor Him with our lives. "

-R. C. Sproul

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