2016年7月12日 星期二

Maobitou, Kenting, Taiwan

"Maobitou (貓鼻頭)  is the southernmost tip of Taiwan with a distance of 3.5 km away from White Sand Bay (Baisha Beach) on the southeast corner of the Hengchun Peninsula. Being one of the must-visit tourist attractions in Kenting area, the scenic area features a giant piece of coral jutting out the sea. The name “Maobitou” which means “cat’s nose and head” in Mandarin comes from its unique appearance like a crouching cat. 

Maobitou is an excellent place to appreciate magnificent ocean views and watch coral seashore being crashed by the waves. The coast of coral reefs features spectacular landforms that are affected by wave erosion, efflorescence, and salt-soaking. The natural landscapes such as wave erosion caves, ditches, and pillars are amazing sceneries that shall not miss out while visiting Kenting. Also, the sunset views here at Maobitou are one of the eight notable sceneries of Hengchun." Cited from 
Photo taken by Wen-Yong Lin 

Photo taken by Prisca Chiu 

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