2019年11月12日 星期二


Reading Explorer 1. Second edition. Cengage Learning, 2014.

27 則留言 :

  1. 食營營養二 施雅涵2019年11月12日 上午11:22

    3.Dinosaurs lived in many million years ago. Human naver see that, they want to know how big it is and what does it look like.
    食營營養二 施雅涵

  2. 食營營養二 彭羽瑄 李孟珣2019年11月12日 上午11:23

    3.I think people are interested in dinosaur because it is completely disappeared.

  3. 財工二A 詹凱淞 曾昱傑

    3.People are interested in dinosaurs because they are mysterious creatures.

  4. 1. Late Cretaceous six million years ago.
    資管三B 葉羿辰/資管三B 林秉逸

  5. 3.Because curious about dinosaur
    資傳系陳怡諠 蔡晴羽

  6. 會計二B林思妤 郭佳靈 陳滎豪
    2.I have seen Jurassic Park. This is a description dinosaurs escape into chaos.
    3.People always interested in unknown things.Dinosaurs are a scary but novel organism for human.

  7. 2 I haven watched a movie called "Jurassic World". It talked about the man is good at training dinosaur even the new species dinosaur created by human beings.
    3 Dinosaur is like a mystery that we don't really know about, I think that's the reason why people are interested in it.


  8. 范修易/方學晟/廖禹翔/林承鋒2019年11月12日 上午11:24

    2. The movie is called "Jurassic Park". It talks about humans made dinosaur by artificial ways and run a theme park to earn money. But the dinosaurs in the park are out of control. Finally,the leading roles escape and the park is destroyed.

  9. 2:Yes,in Jurassic Park, humans made dinosaurs for visitors to visit.
    3:How can a dinosaur be strong and how it will die?

  10. 3.why do you think people are interested in dinosaurs?
    :Because human beings are curious
    觀光三C 曾晴

  11. I think that people are interested in dinosaurs because parents like to take children go to museum and in the museum there are several dinosaurs's fossil.

  12. Jurassic Park
    It talking about a park which has dinosaurs

    財工三 財工組

  13. 2.yes,we have seen Jurassic Park. It is about revival dinosaurs.
    3.We think people are interested in dinosaurs because they are mysterious for nowadays people.

    法四B 陳彥潔 陳芃諭

  14. 3. A dinosaur is a mysterious and diverse animal that people want to know.
    資管三B 葉羿辰 / 資管三B 林秉逸

  15. 陳靜儀 日3A 徐敏家 營養四2019年11月12日 上午11:27

    2.A CHRIA FOR MY MOTHER, the movie is talk about friendship for T.rex and herbivorous dinosaur.
    3.Doinosaurs are extinct in the world, so people are interestd in their.

  16. 財工二A 林芸亘 蔡佩璇2019年11月12日 上午11:28

    1.Jurassic Park .I feel dinosaurs in the movie are ferocious.
    2.I think people are interested in dinosaurs because they never see with their own eyes.

  17. 1.About 65 million ago they lived everywhere
    2.Power rangers ,although it was hero series,but they proctect dinosaur in modern
    陳炳辰 生態3-A

  18. 3.There are no such huge animals in the world today, so people are interested in ancient dinosaurs.
    會計二C 黃婉茹

  19. 1.Jurassic.
    2.yes,a dinosaurs trainer try to save his lover and the Jurassic Park.
    3.Now in our world dinosaurs are does not exist,so people are curious.

  20. 1.I can't know the exact time when dinosaurs lived.
    2.No,I have not.
    3.Maybe people have never seen dinosaurs curious.
    會計三C410601195 鄭意縈

  21. 2 Jurass Park There are many dinosaurs in this movie very interesting.
    財金三C 楊敏雯 李慧君 陳宥汝 李倖如 周紋綺 陳婷㚬 洪羚晏

  22. 2. I have seen a movie about dinosaur called Jurassic Park.
    The dinosaur inside is very ferocious.
    3.Because there are no dinosaurs in the real world, people will be curious
    資工三A 林欣慧

  23. The dinosaurs have appeared on the earth, but they have been extinct, and humans have no chance to understand all the dinosaurs.
    Humans are particularly interested in unknown things, I think this is one of the reasons

  24. . Yes I have .I have seen Jurassic Park. Describe a scientist who finds the genes of dinosaurs and can resurrect dinosaurs. So set up a theme park. Let visitors experience it. Then there is a series of surprises for tourists in the theme park.

    3.No one has seen the true appearance of
    the dinosaur. So I will be interested in all the illusions and look for the truth.

  25. 3. Because the dinosaurs were extinct 65 million years ago, people have not seen it with their own eyes. They can only see the huge size of dinosaurs by the fossils displayed in the museum.

    會計二C 410721775 黃玟綺

  26. 3. We have no real experience of dinosaurs, so we will be very interested.

  27. 3.Because dinosaurs are very cool ,and we can't see it now. So people have a lot of interest in dinosaurs
    國企4a 呂智淵
