2019年11月27日 星期三

Tuesdays with Morrie 104, 105

7 則留言 :

  1. True, I think fear could led you to lots of things. Like being afraid of change or afraid of something that might happen,so I think detach from the emotion is very important.

  2. It is true to get detach if you allow yourself to go through the emotion. The only way to get rid of fear is to face the emotion, so that you may have the ability to detach the fear.

  3. I think it's not true. Emotions often accompany us, whether happy or afraid, I can not stay away from it. What we can do is to try to control their emotions, for good regulation.

  4. I don't agree with that.That impossible for people to avoid the afraid all the time.If we don't face it, it always there.

  5. I think detaching from an emotion is not easy. That is because not someone told you to detach, then you can in other emotion.

  6. It seems to me that it is hard, but possible to resist the emotion. Everyone has something that feared with. It's also natural reaction to resist the thing that we don't like. However, we can decrease our fear by training. Through interacting with things that we afraid of, we can get more comfort from before.

  7. I think is true. Because we don’t know how much power we owned. Only face the fear can make us know ourselves.

