2021年10月8日 星期五

211008-English I


17 則留言 :

  1. 411012412 鄭亘旆2021年10月8日 上午11:26

    I think people who want to have a pet can choose adoption instead of purchase, it can let them alive and protect them from other bad people who want to hurt them. And what I can do is when I open the air conditioner, I keep the temperature of 26 to 28, can protect polar bears and avoid global warming.

  2. 411012014 陳宣妤
    I think I can keep the elevator door opening to make a difference. Last week, I took my heavy suitcase to wait for the elevator. When the door opened , I saw the space was almost fulled. I decided to wait for the next one, but a woman keep the the door opening, and I successfully entered the elevator. I very appreciated her behavior.

  3. Delivered the leftover food to homeless shelters ,created a nonprofit organization ,collect unsold food from restaurants and deliver it ,and then volunteers sign up for delivery slots and collected simply by walking from restaurants to the shelters.A simple idea or action may sometimes seem insignificant, but it may have an impact greater than you imagine.

  4. 411012399 楊芊柔
    I can take a minute out of the day to compliment someone. Even if it is a short conversation, we can easily make someone’s life better by letting them know that they are talented and excellent.

  5. I think that i can make a difference is to cheer up the people who is feel down always be happy and makes other people happy is a easy way that i can do ,makes them feel happy and then they may feel good and then do the same things to another people that you do on them.

  6. 411012153 周怡汝2021年10月8日 上午11:43

    We can make a different of donate money ,clothes we didn't wear or even shoes to the people who really need it. Maybe this small actions can help others have a new lives.

  7. 411012098 蔡依倢
    I think i can spend time to listen to someone if they need. although it is not a big deal but it can also make a little difference.

  8. When I was in high school, I participated in a volunteer club which called "purple con flower club". There have many activity in this club. However, the two activities that impressed me most were beach cleanup and bookmarks making. We took about 1 hour to picked up all the trash in the beach. We found that a lot of garbage was man-made. We also made many bookmarks, and then we exchanged 10 NT dollars from those who wanted the bookmarks for each. Finally, we collected all money and donated to the Genesis Social Welfare Foundation. After the two activities, I learned that if we take care of the environment, we will have a clean world. Moreover, though we do not have ability to donate billion of dollars like some rich men, but we can use a different way to help those need assistance.

    羅嘉琦 Penny

  9. 411012438 陳佩萱2021年10月8日 上午11:46

    In my junior, our teacher takes us to Kenting to clean the beach. When we are cleaning the beach, we all feel so tired. But when we see a lot of garbage that we pick up, everyone feels so great, because we return a clean beach for the resident

  10. A person’s deeds can determine the next development and results. My current deeds are very good as long as I can pass the half semester well.

  11. 411002653 梁庭語
    I think I can do the project that I have done before- to donate money to help some children who are in need. Because this way we can use tiny force to help those in need. Maybe they are in the same age with us. The money we donate can let them have a better place to study or live. So I think that is worth for us to do.

  12. 411024338 菅原遥
    I think it’s important to have one’s own opinions and take action by own myself. For example, put money in a donate box at a convenience store or on the street. We can also send things like notebooks and pens to children’ support group. When have a big earthquake, my area was big damaged, but other areas sent us not only supplies, but also messenger cards, which gave us courage.

  13. 411028235 林妤宸2021年10月8日 中午12:02

    Commercialization is inevitable in modern society,but we can.We need to find a way to make the whole process as environmentally friendly as possible.It's not that I don't consume,it's that I choose and use things wisely.So I think I can do my best to keep our earth clean.
    And I can help those people in cancer,like donate my blood or hair.

  14. [下午12:10] 鄒名立
    I try to forgive a classmate that actually hurts me a lot . It takes me over 6 years to forgive her, because I am not just trying to forgive her , I am also dealing with my mental problems. After I forgive her, I stop thinking about those things that actually made me feel uncomfortable, and I enjoy my everyday, this change forgive that person, and also let me get off whatever I am suffer from.

  15. I think I can pick up the trash which I see on the street . Because there are many people like to throw out the trashes which they don’t want to bring them to home. So the street has so many trashes. If everyone see the trash on the street and pick up up. Take small action to improve the environment be more clean and beautiful. I want people would learn how to keep the environment clean.
