2023年6月5日 星期一

Blessed is the one whose

Blessed (受祝福的)is the one whose transgression (罪過) is forgiven, whose sin is covered. 2Blessed is the man against whom the LORD counts no iniquity(罪惡), and in whose spirit there is no deceit. 得赦免其過,遮蓋其最罪的,這人是有福的!凡心裏沒有詭詐、耶和華算為有罪的,這人是有福的!

There are a few words here that hold great significance for me, namely "forgiven," "covered" and "counts no iniquity." In Taiwan, many people believe that through practicing austerities or improving their virtues, they can reach a certain state or even become god-like person. However, this concept is not present here. Instead, it is believed that human sins and corruption are forgiven, covered, and not counted as guilty by a holy and righteous God. Those who acknowledge their sins and believe in God are blessed.

If we honestly confront our own situation, we will recognize that we are often bound by sin. Even if we strive to do good, our thoughts, intentions, and actions are often beyond our control. For example, we often think only of ourselves, harbor anger and hatred towards others, or envy their success. These sins cannot be overcome through our own efforts and practices. Instead, there is a holy God who "covers" our sins and is willing to consider those who acknowledge their guilt and have faith in God to be "not guilty." This is a state of blessedness!



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