2023年9月30日 星期六
2023年9月23日 星期六
2023年9月21日 星期四
2023年9月17日 星期日
2023年9月16日 星期六
2023年9月12日 星期二
程名稱 Course Title | 旅遊英語與文化 | 開課班級 Class Offered | 實用英語E班 | ||||||||||||||||||||
學分數(必/選修) Credits(required/elective) | 2(選修) | 授課教師 Instructor | 邱亞琦 | ||||||||||||||||||||
實習時數 Practice Hours | 0 | 上課時段 Class Time | 三 3, 4:任垣404 | ||||||||||||||||||||
課程授課語言 Language Used in class | 70%英文70% English(以授課語言超過60%以上之語言為主Language of instruction is based on the language that is used more than 60% of class time.) | 主要教科書使用語言 Using Any Textbooks Written in a Foreign Language | 英文 English | ||||||||||||||||||||
課程備註 Course Note | |||||||||||||||||||||||
主要教科書及其他參考書 Textbook(s) and Reference(s) Used | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Handouts References: 1. ENGLISH FOR HOSPITALITY &TOURISM BY CHEN, TU & MCCAFFERY (2011) ISBN: 978-986-6990-93-9 2.The Smart Traveler's Guide to English. LIVE ABC, 2022. 3. 常春藤 4. Studio Classroom 5.《一定要會的英語會話》,LiveABC,2017。 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
智慧財產權警語Intellectual Property Rights Warnings | |||||||||||||||||||||||
一、使用教科書務請遵守智慧財產權規定。 二、不得非法影印。 1.Please do comply with the provisions of intellectual property rights when using textbooks. 2.Illegally photo copying is not permitted. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
中文版課程簡介Course Description(Chinese Version) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
旅遊英語與文化的課程設計主軸有三,以期完成一舉三得之教學目標。其一、深化旅遊相關之單字與用語;在此層面,由授課老師依旅遊必備英語做重點教學。其二、拓展文化認知;授課老師與講座老師將就主題文化,藉由類比與對比,讓學生深入了解他國文化,與文化相關的英語詞彙與用語亦為此層面之重點。其三、此課程期望學生在學習英語的同時,也學會欣賞他國文化,並能夠以精簡的方式表達對他國以及本土文化的理解,故歷史、文化、文學、建築、傳統,以及節慶相關的內容,將是同學研究、討論、報告的重點。本課程的設計在於強化學生的英文基礎及溝通能力,以為未來進階課程或者自我學習所用。 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
英文版課程簡介Course Description (English Version) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Travel English and Culture has a threefold aim which is designed in three aspects. First, it aims to deepen the reorganization of travel-related vocabulary and fixed expression. At this level, the usage of English is regarded as survival-travel-English (STE). The essential input is conveyed by instructors. Second, it aims to widen the sense of cultural awareness. At this level, students need to identify the similarities and differences between and among different cultural backgrounds. This is done via input of the target culture conveyed by the instructors (the rooted teacher and the guest teachers). The class instruction will focus on the teaching of vocabulary, fixed expressions, idioms, proper names, and cultural expressions. Third, it also aims to pave the route to appreciate the beauty of foreign culture as well as to express the culture of their own. At this level, students will be expected to do simple research, discussion, and presentation on historical, cultural, literary, architectural, traditional, or festive issues. The course is structured to help students build the foundation of English and prepare them for future courses or self-learning in terms of sharing their ideas. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
外語教學中心教育目標Educational Goals | |||||||||||||||||||||||
一、提升外語與文化素養。 二、培訓跨文化溝通知能。 三、培育專業外語能力。 四、強化國際移動力。 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
學生能力指標與權重 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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課程之整體規劃與設計Course Description | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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評分方式及比重Grading Methods and Ratio | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Attendance 60% (assignments, presentation) Midterm Project 20% Final Project 20% | |||||||||||||||||||||||
課業輔導時間Office Hours | |||||||||||||||||||||||
2023年9月9日 星期六
2023年9月8日 星期五