2016年4月8日 星期五

My English Café--Report 5 (Deadline: April 10)

17 則留言 :

  1. Name:Cynthia張曉欣 Time:March27
    Theme: Movie
    New words: Lolita洛麗塔/蘿莉, carry a torch for sb單戀, abnormal love畸形的愛, strike a note表示某種情感, beyond one’s imagination超乎想象, romantic relationship戀愛, childish幼稚的, pedophilia戀童癖, tragic悲壯的, cultural collision文化碰撞與融合, a mirror of the times時代的反映, premature早熟的, indecency猥褻, escape from逃脫, incest/fornication亂倫, lolicon蘿莉控, sagacious睿智的, nostalgic念舊的
    Self-evaluation: The first time I heard about the movie Lolita is because my classmate always praises the line from it, “ Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul.” Before, I didn’t get this love feeling for one. After finishing the movie, I totally understood what lolicon is. It’s believed that this movie represents the cultural collision between America and France as Lolita is young and passionate little girl and Mr. Hambert is sagacious and nostalgic old man which is a mirror of the times. It’s a story about an old man who had pedophilia wanted to make indecency with a premature young lolita. Anyway, I can not accept the abnormal love of Mr. Hambert but I was struck a note in this movie.

    Name:Cynthia張曉欣 Time:March28
    Theme: Korean drama
    New words: can’t help doing不由自主, addictive上癮的, Baby-Faced童顏, make a pass at the girl撩妹, dream love幻想的愛情, true love真愛, illusory虛假的, doormat受氣包, "cooking world"料理界
    Self-evaluation: Recently, Descendants of the Sun has aroused great discussion among girls. It’s said that girls will change their husband when they are following a new Korean drama. Now, Song Joong Ki, a Korean actor, became the husband of all girls. I only watched several sets of Descendants of the Sun so I’m not really addictive to the male lead. However, he is the tpye of my dream boyfriend. Anyway, I was shocked by the baby-faced of Song Hye-kyo. Unlike other girls, I am chasing another korean drama called Oh my ghost. And I really love this drama. I think korean drama has the power to control girls’ emotion.

    Name:Cynthia張曉欣 Time:March30
    Theme: Park Lane & Calligraphy Greenway in Taichung
    New words: second-hand bookstore二手書店, busker街頭藝人, license執照, boondoggle/handmade item手工品, band/orchestra樂隊, Live現場演奏, Calligraphy Greenway草悟道
    Self-evaluation: I really enjoy something green. I visited Calligraphy Greenway in Taichung on Saturday and I found a second-hand bookstore there and many buskers played their show there, such as live of band and talent show. It’s said that every busker has to get license if they want to have a show on street. I think it is really cool. As a famous saying goes, “all masters in civil”. I love handmade items and I dream to open a art shop in the future.

    1. A lot of new words. Good!
      strike (or sound) a note of .......?
      boondoggle: an unnecessary and expensive piece of work (negative)
      busk (v.)

  2. 曹硕 march 27
    theme: corporal punishment
    new words : corporal:身体的,肉体的,outlawed: 宣布 不合法, rebellious: 叛乱的 caning :鞭打
    self-evaluation: i think appropriate corporal punishment is also necessary to education.children can immediately understand what they can do or not .but educating with love and patience is the most ideal method to cultivate perfect personality and psychological development .if we obtain balance between corporal punishment and love education,children can grow up in the better environment.

    March 28
    new words: omnipotent:无所不能 barter: 实物交易 graphic design : 平面设计 cosmetic: 化妆品
    self-evaluation: everyone uses money .we all want it work for it and think about it . in my opinion ,money is the way we get the things we want and need.money is only a means of circulation ,it is neither omnipotent nor the root of evil. we should set up a healthy concept about money,if we regard money as the most important thing in our life and you will lose yourself ,even one day you get a lot of money ,you are still a poor guy. spiritual wealth is necessary to everyone.

    March 31
    theme: domestic violence
    new words: frenetic:发狂的 indemnity 赔偿 coordinate:调整 marital:婚姻的,夫妻间的
    self-evaluation: when i was young ,because of my naughty my father punished me standing under the burning sun . sometimes it was my fault but sometimes it is not .anyway i suffered all kinds of punishment.to be honest ,i do not know if these are domestic violence .in my point of view ,i was so naughty that there is no other way to control me ,so i never be angry with my father . although everyone wants a well-educated father ,but we can choose .so please do not be angry with them ,there is only one desire that their children can live better a life in the future.

    1. theme 1 and theme 2
      i cannot agree more.

      theme 3
      "cannot" choose?
      only one desire?
      You have a positive attitude.

  3. 英二C 陳昱甄 Annie
    (English Cafe’ with CoCo怡方)

    Theme: How did you do in your Spring holidays?
    New words: tidy up the gravesite掃墓, Elementary School國小, fulfilling充實的
    Self-evaluation: I have a very fulfilling Spring holiday. My family took me to go to tidy up the gravesite on last Sunday. At the same day night, I was going to participate my elementary school’s teacher’s wedding, I waited this day for eight years. When I saw she found her Mr. Right, I am really happy for her. On the other days, I slept well, go exercise with my family, I have a fulfilling vacation.

    Theme: What kind of tea do you like to drink?
    New words: Catechin兒茶素, anti-oxidation抗氧化, body fat體脂肪
    Self-evaluation: I like green tea the most. Because green tea is really good to our body. Green tea has Catechin can anti-oxidation, prevent cancer and reduce body fat, so many efficacies. But be careful, whatever how the tea is good, don’t drink too much, if you drink too much it will also cause the bad efficacy at the same time.

    Theme: What seasons do you like? Why?
    New words: blooming開花
    Self-evaluation: I like spring and winter. Because just like now is spring season and I saw the plants are blooming, whatever the tree or flowers, the leaves are really green the color are so beautiful and I saw so many flowers upright, it is so lovely and beautiful. Furthermore, I like winter because although the weather is cold but you can feel a warm feeling in the winter, just like in Christmas, and the weather is cold when you drink warm soup or food you can feel the happiness. So I like these two seasons the most.

  4. Sandy于筱瑩
    Theme: experience
    New words: infant
    Self-evaluation: I talked about my experience of life. I mentioned some special effects and something helpful to my life.

    Theme: punishment
    New words: established
    Self-evaluation: My friends usually be late for our meeting. Therefore, we came up with some ideas of punishing them.

    Theme: midterm
    New words: distract
    Self-evaluation: Midterm is coming, we talked about how to prepare for it and how do we deal with the pressure.

  5. 英二C 陳怡方 Coco
    Theme: How did you do in your Spring holidays?
    New words : fulfilling充實的、tidy up the gravesite掃墓、spring roll 春捲、worship 祭拜
    Self-evaluation: I did many things in my spring holidays such as I help my mom to prepare the ingredients of spring rolls and the things of worship.I love eating spring rolls so I eat spring rolls every day in my spring holidays.Besides,I went to tidy up the gravesite to worship my grandmother. So I think I have a fulfilling holidays.
    I have a English Café’ with Annie Chen 陳昱甄

    Theme: What kind of tea do you like to drink?
    New words: Catechin兒茶素、 anti-oxidation抗氧化,、body fat體脂肪、immunity免疫力、chlorophyll 葉綠素、Green tea 抹茶、Coincidentally巧合
    Self-evaluation: Annie and I favorite tea is Green tea.One of the reasons is drinking green tea can strengthen our immunity and even anti-oxidation because green tea contain chlorophyll and vitaminC、D.So Japanese usually drink green tea as their water.
    I have a English Café’ with Annie Chen陳昱甄

    Theme: What seasons do you like? why ?
    New words: ultraviolet ray 紫外線、Smear塗抹 、sun block防曬乳
    Self-evaluation:My favorite season is summer because in summer I can eat many kinds of ice-cream and cold drinks.Moreover,I can go to the beach to swim even though I’m not good at swimming.However,we must be careful about ultraviolet ray which will hurt our skin.In order to prevent the UV,we can smear some sun block on our body.
    I have a English Café’ with Annie Chen陳昱甄

  6. 4/5
    New words:cosmic宇宙的/ monument榜樣
    Self-evaluation: I saw the movie Batman v.s Superman: Dawn of Justice with my friend today. It's a movie from DC and the narrative style is totally different from Marvel.My friend and I were discuss about the difference and we found that Marvel's movie are more commercial overall. They know how to suit the movie to the audience.

    New words:No. Just a short talk about our recent life
    Self-evaluation:Sometimes we may feel depressed and we found we were lost. We don't know the road we choose worth it or not. Maybe time will tell and we will find our way out.

    New words has your back後盾/whining哀號聲
    Self-evaluation: We always feel that dogs has our back and they are similar like human because both human and dogs are respond to emotional sounds. In fact, they interpret our crying as another dog whining.

  7. 黃美瑜 E2C
    Theme:Travel Day:3/28
    New words:travel agency/backpacking travel/architecture/brochure/souvenir/Currency-Exchange/compact/marvelous/Bed and Breakfast/outlying islands
    Self-evaluation:We share our travel experience with each other.

    Theme:Spring break Day:4/8
    New words:Tomb Sweeping Day/food offering/ghost paper/fish harbor/fried calamari/sweet potato fries/columbarium pagoda/memorial tablet/taoist scripture/arbor/cabbage
    Self-evaluation:We talk what we do in these holiday.

    Theme:Summer Day:4/9
    New words:insect repellent/sunburn/hyperthermia(heat stroke)/air permeability/base-layers/Dengue fever/water container/smell of sweat/order/reunion/apply/roundabout/hitch a ride
    Self-evaluation:We say that we must use sunscreen to protect our from UV. We also need to clean all the water containers to prevent Dengue fever.

  8. 英二C 陳怡方 Coco
    Theme: What’s your plan to the spring holidays?
    New words : Tomb-Sweeping Day清明節、hard-working用功、to visit a grave掃墓、worship祭拜、spring roll春捲
    Self-evaluation: I will plan to study mid-term books and go to visit a grave. I want to eat spring roll and make spring rolls. I hope I can finish all this things.
    I have a English Café’ with Annie Chen 陳怡真

    Theme: What will you do when you feel bad?
    New words: cuisine美食、vent發洩
    Self-evaluation: If I feel bad,I will eat many cuisine to vent my bad mood.Besides,I will also watch cartoon to forget the unhappy things.
    I have a English Café’ with Annie Chen陳怡真

    Theme: How to protect ourselves?
    New words: Pepper spray防狼噴霧液、wolf色狼、exposed暴露的、whistle哨子、determine判斷、outward appearance外表
    Self-evaluation:Today society become more and more dangerous so I think we ought to have some ways to prevent wolf.First,we can prepare a pepper spray and whistle.Second,girls should not wear very exposed clothes outside.Finally,we must have the ability to determine whether the person is a bad man or not.
    I have a English Café’ with Annie Chen陳怡真

  9. 410324793 陳怡真 Annie
    English Café with Coco (陳怡方)

    20160329 Tue.
    Theme: What is your plan to the spring holidays?
    New words: Tomb-sweeping Day(清明節),hard-working(努力用功),to visit a grave(掃墓),worship(祭拜),spring roll(春捲)
    Self-evaluation: One of the springs holidays is Tomb-sweeping Day. I will worship the ancestors with my family. The mid-term exam is coming, so I have to study in the holidays. I have to plan my holidays carefully and do not waste the time.

    20160430 Wed.
    Theme: What will you do when you feel bad?
    New words: cuisine(美食), vent(發洩)
    Self-evaluation: When I feel bad, I will try to calm down. I will listen to soft music, eat and sleep. Bad mood is not healthy for our body. We have to find out methods to solve it.

    20160407 Thurs.
    Theme: How to protect ourselves?
    New words: wolf(色狼),whistle(哨子),determine(判斷),outward appearance(外表),exposed(暴露的),pepper spray(防狼噴霧液)
    Self-evaluation: Some terrible things happen these days. We may feel scared as we are alone. Coco says that she will take a bottle of pepper spray when being outside. I will take a whistle and put it in my bag. We have to protect us carefully.

  10. 英二C 許睿紋 410324670
    With Mermaid

    Time: 3/28
    Theme: travel
    New words: carsick/ seasick/ pavilion/ round-the-island road/ lane/ package tour/ round-trip tickets/ back mirror/ compact/ marvelous/ outlying island/ motion sickness pills/ submerge
    Self-evaluation: Travel is a good way for us to relax ourselves and broaden our horizons. Through travel, we will keep an unforgettable memory in mind.

    Time: 4/8
    Theme: spring break
    New words: Qing Ming Festival/ ghost money/ food offering/ columbarium pagoda/ memorial tablet/ recite Taoist scriptures/ meatball/ fishery harbor/ fried calamari/ arbor/ wind mill
    Self-evaluation: During this period, we could take a break and enjoy our leisure time. We shared our holiday with each other happily.

    Time: 4/9
    Theme: summer
    New words: heat stroke/ hyperthermia/ ultraviolet ray/ base layer/ air permeability/ insect repellent/ Dengue fever/ roundabout/ odor
    Self-evaluation: Summer is coming. It is a little bit troublesome for us because we have to apply sunscreen before going out in order to prevent getting tanned and sunburn. Besides, we have to supply enough water, or we may get heat stroke.

  11. 410309214

    Theme:Capital punishment
    New words:humanity execution
    Self evaluation:Recently, Capital punishment has become a important issue in Taiwan, some people stand for repealing the punishment, but others think that there should be law protecting innocent people.

    New words:anthropology globalization
    Self evaluation: There are many traditions in Taiwan, most of them are related to religion or a story. Most of the traditions has a significant food. One of my favorites is the Dragon Boat Festival, people will eat "Zongzi" and the taste is really good.

    Theme: career
    New words: opportunity Internship Mentor
    Self evaluation: Finding a dream job isn't easy, many people can't find a direction about what career they should go into, we can find someone for help or listen to others experiences, and figure out what is the most career we want.

  12. Time:04.06 (40 minutes)
    Theme: leisure time
    New words: work out户外运动;monotonous无聊的; release my pressure / loosen up/ let my hair down放轻松;escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life逃离城市喧嚣;be desperate to get a rest极度渴望休息一下;get refreshed重新振作
    Self-evaluation: There are a lot of ways to relax, like watching movies, doing some sports, traveling, taking napes and so on. Each of them can build up our body and mind, we will feel refreshed and energetic again.

    Time:04.08 (45 minutes)
    Theme: memory
    New words: cramming填鸭式教学; Associative memo联想记忆 Self-evaluation: I am good at memorizing things cause I will take notes and memorize things by association, it really enhance my memory. However, I will forget things occasionally. I guess it depends on how I define the word important. by that I mean, our brain will never forget the things that we do care about. Just like a basketball fan will always be clear about the time of his favorite team’s game but it’s pretty possible that he will miss a so called important homework in school.

    Time:04.09 (60 minutes)
    Theme: movies
    New words: hollywood blockbuster好莱坞大片;box office票房;fantasy movie奇幻⽚;science fiction科幻⽚;crime movie犯罪⽚;visual effect 视觉效果;publicity宣传;socializing社交;target audience目标观众
    Self-evaluation: I am so fond of watching movies, because I can totally leave those things annoying and complicated behind, just concentrate on the story. What’s more, It’s not purely a way for us to get refreshed, it ‘s also an important part of our social life. Going to cinema with friends is a nice way to improve relationship.

  13. Time:4/7
    New words: regime政權 /underlying潛在的/ mission 使館
    Self-evaluation: I have this English Cafe with my uncle. He is a half Argentinean.In this short chat, he complained to me about the stupid deed of their president all the time.

    Time: 4/8
    Theme: Air force
    New words: patriotic愛國的/cadet軍校學生/ambassador大使
    Self-evaluation: In the class of last Friday,our teacher showed us some fighters of America. I was quite interested in that stuff. Therefore, I found some friends who have also common curiosity on airforce to discuss.

    Theme:China's economy
    New words: volatility反覆無常/ rally回升/ punter炒股者
    Self-evaluation: China is the world's second-biggest economy.But there are some underlying distrust of its stock market. Before buying stocks in China, you need more time to think about the unreality of its economy.

  14. 范雅晴 April 14 at 11:40pm

    Theme: free travel
    New word: Security (安全性) guide book(旅遊指南) Visa application(申請簽證)
    Self-evaluation: I Think the free travel is very interesting, it will make you have a different experience. But I Suggest that planning the trip, and then book the hotel. You can read a travel book to plant the Schedule. The most important is that pay attention to safety and keep well property.

    Theme: Yoga
    New words:Exert potential(發揮潛能)meditation(冥想) engage in self-cultivation(修身養性)
    Self-evaluation: Yoga is a system of exercises for physical and mental nourishment. it is a popular form of movement that unites meditation, balance and strength.

    Theme :Legume food
    New words:inorganic salt(無機鹽)high protein food(高蛋白食物) Nutrient balance(營養均衡)
    Self-evaluation:Eat legume food to have those helps to person body more?Legume is the main resource of plant protein for man and livestock.can satisfy the high grade protein that human body needs already, it can furnish again a variety of vitamins and inorganic salt.

  15. Name: Leo(何孟倫)
    Time: 4/4
    Theme: Home cooking
    Important word: 炒羊肉(Fried lamb)、魷魚絲(Squid Shreds)
    Self-evaluation: We talked about my hometown, Kaohsiung, and I introduced some famous food to him.

    Time: 4/7
    Theme: Backpacking
    Important word: 旅遊指南(Travel guide)、沙發客(couch surfer)
    Self-evaluation: My friend shared his traveling experience with me, most of his cost is only for air tickets, his lives, diet and transportation are all free. He used a website called” couch surfer”, it can connect with a master who lives in your destination, you can make a deal: You share your own new skills, and he will show you around.

    Time: 4/9
    Theme: Track and Field
    Important word: 三千障礙(Three-thousand meter steeplechase)、標槍(javelin)、女子七項(Heptathlon)
    Self-evaluation: During April 8,9,I had a competition in Taoyuan stadium. When I came back, I introduced some events to him. For example, this is my first time to race three-thousand meter steeplechase, so I share the process and my feeling to him.
