2018年2月27日 星期二

What did I do for my winter break?/ 廖珮均

My roommate lives in Taipei. She came to Tainan to have a trip during the winter vacation. I took her to some popular tourist sites, such as Chimei Museum and blue print culture and creative park. We also ate some delicious snack of Tainan. 

During the winter vacation, I went to many places to take pictures. For example, I went to see the Taxodium distichum by train with my friends. And we walked for 15 minutes to arrive at the destination. However, the leaves on the tree almost is about to fall. It's also a memorable trip for me.
I went to Kaohsiung to attend a micro-exhibition. It's a pretty cool exhibition. The creator's works are so creative. He made many micro models and put them into some products of our life. When I saw those works, I had totally thought that it is too amazing!

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