2018年5月8日 星期二

Great Expectations 1-20/ 張晏禎

Pip was a young boy and he was a orphan. Then, Pip went to school and he made friend with Biddy. After that, Pumblechook has arranged for Pip to go play at house of Miss Havisham. When Pip went to the house, Estella criticized Pip's low social class and his unrefined manners. Pip thought Miss Havisham wanted to raise him from his low social standing and gave him a gentleman's fortune. Actually, Miss Havisham encouraged Estella to torment him. Then, Miss Havisham made Pip Joe's apprentice and Pip was devastated that she didn't meant to make him a gentleman. Pip inherited a large fortune and he became snobbery and he felt regreted at the same time .

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