2020年5月13日 星期三

Life Beyond Earth

38 則留言 :

  1. 何庭庭
    5月12日 週二 下午8:01 (11 小時前)
    寄給 我

    1. There is intelligent life on other planets. Shostakovich and Barnett think intelligent life exists on other planets. The first reason is time and the second reason is size.Next 20 years, we could make contact with other life forms in our universe.
    2. Mars.
    3. The distance between planets is too great.
    4. A place that we can live.
    5. Because they could be trying to communicate with us now.
    6. Different ways of life

  2. 1.Shostak and Barnett think intelligent life exists on other planets.
    2.Mars is similar to Earth, it might have intelligent life.
    3.The distance between planets is too great.
    4.Any living thing.
    5.Maybe after twenty years,they have new technology contact with us.
    6.How to contact to on other planets?

    H106A114 林佑
    H106A112 徐書炫


  3. 顏偌愉
    5月12日 週二 下午8:00 (11 小時前)
    寄給 我

    1.Shostakovich and Barnett think intelligent life exists on other planets. The first reason is time and the second reason is size.

    2.The planets are similar to Earth are most likely to have intelligent life.

    3.Because the distance between planets is too great.

    4. It’s refer to any living thing.

    5.Because he thinks the tools to receive their messages are changing .

    6.The Contact method

  4. 王 怡萍
    5月12日 週二 下午7:57 (11 小時前)
    寄給 我

    There is intelligent life on other planets. Shostakovich and Barnett think intelligent life exists on other planets. The first reason is time and the second reason is size.Next 20 years, we could make contact with other life forms in our universe.
    The distance between planets is too great.
    A place that we can live.
    Because they could be trying to communicate with us now.
    New life forms.


  5. Tiffany Ching
    5月12日 週二 下午7:36 (11 小時前)
    寄給 我

    1. Discuss the possibility of life beyond the Earth.
    2. Planets similar to the Earth.
    3. The distance between planets is too great.
    4. 生命形式...?
    5. Because we are changing.
    6. Possibility of Contact
    H106A151 秦藝庭

    1. Tiffany Ching
      5月12日 週二 下午7:45 (11 小時前)
      寄給 我

      4. Alien life other than humans
      5. Because we may have the right tools to receive their messages.
      6. Making connection

  6. 書炫徐
    5月12日 週二 下午7:45 (11 小時前)
    寄給 我

    1.Shostak and Barnett think intelligent life exists on other planets.
    2.Mars is similar to Earth, it might have intelligent life.
    3.They could be trying to communicate with us now,but we may not have the right tools to receive their messages.
    4.Life forms refer right tools to contact our universe.
    5.They trying to communicate with us now.
    6.Life forms is always changing.

    H106A112 徐書炫

    H106A114 林佑

  7. 陳薏竹
    5月12日 週二 下午7:36 (11 小時前)
    寄給 我

    1.There is intelligent life on other planets. Shostakovich and Barnett think intelligent life exists on other planets. The first reason is time and the second reason is size.Next 20 years, we could make contact with other life forms in our universe.

    2.Other planets which are similar to Earth.


    4.Any living thing

    5.We may have new technology could make contact with other life forms in 20 years .

    6.Prepare for Contact

    1. 3.The distance between planets is too great.

      6.Prepare for Contact with intelligence life on other planets.

  8. 梓維李
    5月12日 週二 下午7:13 (12 小時前)
    寄給 我

    1.Is others plant have intelligent life.
    2.A plant similar to earth.
    3.We don’t have right tool.
    4.lt is mean intelligent from other plants.
    5.We will be advance in the future.
    6.We will contact other life forms within the next 20 years.

    1. 1. Is others ?
      2. It means
      5. Advance?

    2. 1.Is intelligent life exists on other earth.
      2.A plant environment similar to earth
      3.We don’t have right tool.
      4.lt is mean intelligent from other plants.
      5.Our equipment will improve in the future.
      6.We will contact other life forms within the next 20 years.


  9. 王惠昭
    5月12日 週二 下午7:36 (12 小時前)
    寄給 我

    1. Explore the mysteries of the universe.
    2. solar systems
    3. The distance between planets is too great.
    4. Life Beyond Earth
    5. Within the next 20 years, we could make contact with other life forms in our universe
    6. Receive Signals


  10. Ting Chang
    5月12日 週二 下午7:33 (12 小時前)
    寄給 我

    1.There is intelligent life beyond Earth.

    2 Those planets are similar to Earth.

    3 Instead of visite Earth, they might use their methods such as radio signals to contact us.

    4 Some intelligent life live in other way, not like the way of people existing.

    5 Because we don’t have the innovate equipment to contact with intelligent life. Technology will become more and more developed.

    6New Innovation is Coming

    H106A149 張洵梃

  11. ㄈㄩ
    5月12日 週二 下午7:27 (12 小時前)
    寄給 我

    1. Is there intelligent life on other planets?
    2. The planet has atmosphere, light, and water.
    3. Because the distance between planets is too great.
    4. Intelligent life
    5. Because our technology is developing rapidly.
    6. Communicating with beings


  12. 陳儀勝 陳儀勝
    5月12日 週二 下午7:31 (12 小時前)
    寄給 我

    1.There is intelligent life on other planets. Shostakovich and Barnett think intelligent life exists on other planets. The first reason is time and the second reason is size.Next 20 years, we could make contact with other life forms in our universe

    2.Something like Mars Earth. If these planets are similar to Earth, they might have intelligent life.

    3.The distance between planets is too great.

    4.Something just like alien.

    5.Within the next 20 years we might have the right technology to receive their messages.

    6.Contact with Other Intelligent Life

  13. 閱讀 陳采青 H106A150

    intelligent life on other planets
    the size like Mars or Earth
    The distance is too great
    being from space
    Because technology is developing rapidly
    Did the UFO we found really come from the universe

  14. 賴怡如
    5月12日 週二 下午7:23 (12 小時前)
    寄給 我

    They believe intelligent life exists somewhere in the universe and think we will soon contact these being.
    The size of Mars and other solar systems.
    Because he think the distance between planets is too great.
    Is refer to intelligent biological such as alien.
    The technology is getting more and more developed or there intelligent life will trying to contact us.
    Contact with aliens.

  15. Gummy Stone W
    5月12日 週二 下午7:19 (12 小時前)
    寄給 我

    1. Discuss whether there are other intelligent life in the universe. How do we discuss?

    2. Environment like earth.

    3. There is currently no technology available.

    4. intelligent life forms

    5. He thinks there is a chance.

    6. Space Technology In The Future

  16. 邱慈緣
    下午4:15 (1 小時前)
    寄給 我

    1.Let us know things other than the Earth.
    2.These planets are similar to Earth.
    3.The distance between planets is too great.

    4.Other people or other things in our universe.

    5.Because of technological advancement, we have the right tools to receive their messages, such as radio signals.

    6.Contact people from other planets.

    H106A118 邱慈緣

  17. OC108046 許湘伶

    1.This reading is about how two astronomets believed that there are intelligent life in the universe due to the reasons of time and size of the universe, which we will be able to contact with evolving technologies within the next 20 years.

    2.Planets that are similar to our Earth in other solar systems are most likely to have intelligent life.

    3.Shostak believed that intelligent beings have not yet visited Earth due to the great distance between planets.

    4.The life forms refer to intelligent beings outside our planet Earth.

    5.Shostak believed that we could make contact with intelligent life within the next 20years by improving our technologies to produce the right tools to receive their messages.

    6.Future Communication with Intelligent life.
