2020年5月29日 星期五

The Known Universe

28 則留言 :

  1. 410811635 朱致擎

    Human are always arrogant, if we don't understant how milky way formed or how life begins, we would be jokes. There was no subtitles or lines in this video,it just simply images about our planet, however, the video encouraged me to think if human are really important, without human beings, universe still can be flawless. maybe it's time to be modest in front of the bondless galaxy.

  2. 410724668 陳渝涵
    Like a rapidly expanding balloon, universe swelled from a size smaller to nearly its current size. After watching that, I still can not imagine how huge our world be. Compared with this universe, we are really inferior to a dust. All of our worries and anything make us disappointed. They really mean nothing to our tremendous universe. From now on, we can live more open-minded like the size what our universe be.

  3. 410811790
    After watching this video,I think it is very mysterious. I get lots of curiosity about the galaxy. Every star, planet, and quasar seen in the film is possible. Because of the world’s most complete four-dimensional map of the universe, the Digital Universe Atlas that is maintained and updated. Maybe our planet and other planets are creative by the Big Bang.

  4. 1 I think this video is breathtaking and chilling.

    2 The universe is such a vast world.

    3 There are so many things that we haven't discovered in the universe.

    4 The sun is not as bright as we thought comparing to other stars.

    5 I think the universe is full of mystery and surprise.

  5. 410812021 張家華
    Universe is really mysterious and beautiful, what we see everyday are just a little part of it. Many things like stars were not just a things that happened only one second, it were many years for us. This video let me know more about the universe and I think I understand it more.

  6. 410617609
    This video begin with the Himalayas then to the whole Galaxy.
    It show us the appearance of the outer space and how it change. I think it is really stunning and i think the Earth is very huge in my mind. But actually the Earth just the parts of the huge Galaxy, not to mention the human. We can’t imagine how small we are in the world.

  7. 410802123
    The universe is immense, the earth just like a dust. It’s really amazing and I never watched a video like this. It seems to me that human should not being too arrogant. Thought that we can make this world better. It is true that the only thing we should do is protect our planet. Starting to save what human had damaged.

  8. Human just a tiny part of this whole universe.
    it is interesting that over a hundred newborn stars qt the edge of the Milky way were found to have low supplies of heavy elements.
    Satellites are all over our planet and have given us much convenience.
    We are living in the Milky way and our galaxy is brighter and more massive than most other galaxies.
    I was wonder that if someday our planet will swallow by black hole lmao��
    410811732 邱彥祖

  9. 410821486 李孟雲
    Through this video, I see how beautiful earth it is! The universe is too massive than I thought. It's amazing. The light and color in the video makes me impressive. And this video tell us 'we are just a little part of universe'.

  10. 410680783
    The video tells us that how the Milky Way and galaxies might look like. How many light-years it might have in what tracks. Lots of milky ways combine to a galaxy. How the planets and stars might look like. Before today’s class I haven’t know all the things about except earth. The whole world is amazing and marvelous to explore and discovery.

  11. 410811716 郭姵妤
    The video is about what the whole universe looks like. From my point of view, the earth is actually very small in the universe. There are many planets encircle the Milky Way which is one of the galaxy. And outside the Milky Way are other galaxies. It obviously indicates that there are many planets in this universe. I am interested in this kind of video.

  12. 410811839 林靖堤

    The universe is so huge that our earth is just a little planet in it. I didn’t know that universe was made of different part.For me, I think galaxy is always a mystery! Although we live on the Milky Way but actually we know less about it. I wonder why universe exist for such a long time.

  13. 410812241
    Some people always think our humanbeings are the most higher mammal in this world, but the fact is We forget how small the area of the Earth is compared with the rest of the universe.So maybe there are more and more lifes presence in the universe.

  14. 410802246 楊淯涵
    Literature can lead us to see the inner self, and science can also lead mankind to see the true self. These creations are not accidental, but someone carefully designed and created. All this can look so beautiful is because every creation is designed with care, and no one happens casually. However, what human beings are? We are so tiny, but we were created and given purpose.

  15. 10812144
    The universe used to be nothing in nowhere. Then "Bang!" Protons, neurons,electrons, and atoms started creating chemical elements which were composed into land, gas, water, and stars. After millions of years of evolving, the galaxy appeared.

  16. 410802204
    After watching this video, l think the human beings are further small than I thought. At the end of the video, I saw a ball like feature, I suddenly realized that how tiny the human are. Meanwhile, I think that universe is amazing, because when it has a big bang, it can produce such amount of planets. And all of the planets have different features. I can't image that how vast and wonderful the whole universe is.

  17. 410825692 莊詠喻

    When I was watching this video, I can hardly feel that human being is so tiny just like we only bigger than dust. And the universe is so magic that we don’t even really sure how the whole universe is composed and how the planets were put in order. I’m also astonished by the beauty of the universe. As a small human on the Earth, we should protect our beautiful environment as possible as we can. Although I don’t have much interest on this kind of topic, I still praise for the beautiful nature.

  18. 作者已經移除這則留言。

  19. 410812063 楊杰霖2020年5月29日 上午11:46

    First, universe is mysterious and beautiful. Second, it's too mysterious to discover. Third, the content of the video is already known by the human. Fourth, all we know about the born of universe was speculated by the scientists. Conclusion, this is just another video about the universe,same thing, different way to pronounce it, while trying to amazed the audiences, unfortunately, it didn't works on me.

  20. 410710651
    I don’t think the universe is created by a huge explosion. Because maybe even our planet Earth are not created with the Sun at the same time. However, planets and stars are created by an explosion or strike. The accurate time of forming planets and stars are unable to be known. We could only show an estimated time.

  21. 410515629 英三B Ivan施佑忠

    1.The complete universe that humans have known is a beautiful delicate system.
    2.It's hard to imagine that we live our lives in a minimal corner of this system.
    3.Although the techniques people have created nowadays, we still can't even arrived at any of the other planets.
    4.The Big Bang theory which gives it an attempt to explain the origin of the universe is not convincing enoughly yet.
    5.I hope we can find the truth

  22. 410811928
    I think the universe is not caused by a big bang. Because our planet is 45 billion years old already,the universe is much older than Earth. The universe was formed long time ago, maybe it formed by collide not big bang. It is possible that our solar system is formed by collide as well, the Earth may collided by meteorites. So the Earth was moved to solar system from other galaxy.

  23. 410680694
    The version of this video is from outer space to the earth. First, we see the orbits of the planets revolve around the sun,but there is only a satellites orbits the earth. There is a saying that the moon is created by the aliens and used to monitor the earth. The universe has so many incredible phenomenons. How the earth formed still leave to people’s imagination.

  24. 410812097陳奐丞
    I think the scale of the universe will always be a question. Unless we find out a way to travel which is faster than the speed of light. Curiousity is human’s nature, those scientists will try their best to figure out all the secrets about the universe. But if we find that it is much more dangerous than our thoughts, will it be too late for us to stop? Will we be attack by other living things?

  25. 張昕瑋 4108117742020年5月29日 中午12:38

    The video shows about how the universe formed. Although it might not be the fact, but it has its referential. After the Big Bang, the elements encounter gas and dust along their path they form planets and stars. The known universe is made from the orbits. Earth and other plants revolve around the orbit with the sun and became the solar system.

  26. Humans are really small.

    We always think that the world is huge.

    But out of the earth ,out of the seven planets.

    There is a more enormous place that we unknown and never arrive.

    I think all the things of this universe are miracle.

    Why the earth was born? Why human beings exist?

    To me, all of these things are magic , unbelievable.

    There is no one who is the most richest in the world, the richest man is who can control the galaxy and arrive the place we could not be and we might not know.

    英文1B /秦懷恩 /410825498

  27. 410821460 英一B 蔡詩嫺
    I truly didn’t know that there’re countless galaxies and I just knew that there's only one galaxy and some planets out there before I saw this video and read the unit 8 on our text book. It is amazing to see that there’s a lot of galaxies in universe. And now I do believe in the Big Bang because I have seen the high density of galaxies through this video. And this video has really broaden my horizons. Thank you for sharing us this video, professor.

  28. I wasn't expect how small the humanity is before I saw this clip. It use the simple word to explain where we are because the most important part is to see how many stars and how far between the Earth and those stellar. This is an truly extraordinary experience to see the video which shows us how huge the universe is and how tiny we are, and it also inspire me to discover more mystery of the universe.

    410825634 英一B 林羿辰
