2024年6月19日 星期三





弘光科技大學IEP 暑期衝刺班

弘光科技大學IEP 暑期衝刺班:TOEIC

大傳三A 潘尚葳

大傳三A 潘尚葳 411015868

Her name is HiuKi, she is my friend’s friend, and she come from Hong Kong.
First, we talked about food. I recommended chicken steaks and hand-shaken drinks. She said that Hong Kong also has a lot of delicious food, and she likes to eat barbecue pork buns the most.

Then I introduced some attractions in Taiwan, such as Taipei 101, Qixingtan in Hualien, Kenting, and the beautiful sunset on the west coast. She said she felt that Hong Kong is very small. What she liked most is Hong Kong Disneyland, which made me so envious.

We also talked about our language. She thought Mandarin Phonetic Symbols are very special because they use Hanyu Pinyin System. I asked her if they all can speak Mandarin. She said that not everyone speaks Mandarin very well. She is better able to speak Mandarin because of the school's teaching methods.

Although Hong Kong is very close to Taiwan, there are some differences in culture and language. I hope to have the opportunity to meet more foreigners and expand my horizons.

大傳三A 成文絜

大傳三A 成文絜 411015981

I asked Sandy if she had time, and she said yes. I explained that I was doing an English assignment about chatting with foreigners and noticed she was speaking Cantonese. I asked if she was from Hong Kong, and she confirmed she was. I mentioned I hadn't been to Hong Kong and asked her to describe its characteristics. Sandy said Hong Kong is a vibrant city with skyscrapers, bustling streets, delicious food, a blend of Eastern and Western cultures, and beautiful mountains and harbors.

I asked about must-visit places, and Sandy recommended Victoria Peak for city views and Temple Street Night Market for local shopping. I thanked her and said I would add them to my list. Sandy assured me I would love it.

I asked if she had visited other cities. She said she hadn’t, she didn’t have time. I shared that Taiwan has stunning landscapes, friendly people, and delicious food, with night markets being a highlight. Sandy asked what to see in Taiwan, and I suggested Taipei, especially Taipei 101, and trying beef noodle soup and stinky tofu. Sandy said Taiwan sounded amazing and planned to visit next time. I told her I looked forward to her trip to Taiwan.

大傳四A 陳子柔 大傳四A 林沂霈

1. 大傳四A 陳子柔 410916396
In the photo, one person is Rantaro from Japan and the other is Jajob from Germany. We met in class and discussed many cultural differences. For instance, both Japan and Taiwan have a deep tea culture, but in Germany, they don't really drink tea much; their coffee (American-style) is more common, equivalent to tea in Taiwan. They are very interested in Taiwan's bubble tea. I also told them about the culture of bubble tea shops in Taiwan, where tea is very popular, cheap, and easy to get. Bubble tea has become an indispensable part of life, with at least three bubble tea shops on a single street. They have not been in Taiwan for long and are very surprised and interested in Taiwan's drink and snack culture. They also visited night markets, and the first thing they tried had to be stinky tofu. As expected, they said it really smells bad.

We also talked about holidays, such as Valentine's Day, and discovered that Taiwan is truly a country that loves celebrating holidays, with a strong emphasis on rituals. Japan's Valentine's Day is quite similar to Taiwan's, like the Qixi Festival which has the same origin, and White Day, which was introduced from Japan.

Talking with foreigners is really interesting and a good way to practice English. It feels like it's such a rare fate that people who were originally so far apart can come together like this.

2. 大傳四A 林沂霈 410916663

The guy in the middle of the photo is Jakob from Germany, and on his left is Rentaro from Japan.

We are classmates in another class on cultural integration. In that class, we introduced them to the culture of Taiwanese cuisine and tourist attractions.

Notably, we also shared with them topics about indigenous people and Taiwanese politics, which are subjects that foreigners usually find hard to access.

They found Taiwan's bubble tea shop culture fascinating, as there are numerous drink shops available whenever they want a drink. Jakob mentioned that in Germany, there isn't a habit of drinking cold beverages.

They have afternoon tea time, usually with hot black tea and a bit of milk foam, and they do this mostly when the weather is cold. He thought that black tea with milk foam is quite similar to Taiwanese milk tea, just in a hot version.

Rentaro noted that in his family, the older generation drinks hot tea in the morning, but young people rarely drink tea.

It's interesting to have classes with foreigners, but it can be a bit challenging since we have to think for a long time before communicating.