2013年9月26日 星期四

Chapter I. Prewriting

Chapter I.
A.    Getting Started
1.  “For many writers, getting started is the hardest part. You may have noticed that when it is time to begin a writing assignment, you suddenly develop an enormous desire to straighten your books, water your plants, or sharpen your pencils for the fifth time. If this situation sounds familiar, you may find it reassuring to know that many professionals undergo these same strange compulsions before they begin writing” (Wyrick 3).
2.  “But no matter how you actually begin putting words on paper, it is absolutely essential to maintain two basic ideas concerning your writing task. Before you write a single sentence, you should always remind yourself that”
a. “You have some valuable ideas to tell your reader, and
b. More than anything, you want to communicate those ideas to your reader” (3).

2013年9月9日 星期一

2013年9月5日 星期四

《理解的應許》(The Promise of Understanding) BY 柯志明 (Immanuel Chih-Ming Ke)


2013年9月4日 星期三

Collins Common Errors in English

Collins Common Errors in English 

Correct Writing/ Butler Hickman

Correct Writing Sixth Edition
Butler Hickman


Composition Practice Book 2 -
Asia Edition Paperback – June 30, 2009

by Linda Lonon Blanton, Jessica Michelle Beck 

《胎兒與死刑犯》(Fetus and Death Row Inmates) BY 柯志明 (Immanuel Chih-Ming Ke)

Fetus and Death Row Inmates:
The Christian Idea of Man and Bioethics

Taipei: Bible Sourcing Center, a division of CCLM, 2013

Chapter I.
God, Ethics, and Rights: 
Contemporary Bioethics Debate on "Adultism" Prejudice

Chapter II. 
What Is a Human Being?
On the Existential Position of Fetus and the Evil of Abortion

Chapter III. 
Ethical Dilemmas and the Ethic of Self-Renunciation:
Ethical and Theological Reflections on 
Two Dilemmatic Examples of Abortion

Appendix I. 
"I and You" in Ethical Dilemmas

Appendix II. 
Conditions for Legal Abortion shouldn't be Vague and General 

Chapter IV. 
Is the Death Penalty Justified? 
The Fundamental Thought on Death Penalty Dispute

Chapter V.
Justifications for Death Penalty
A View of Ethical Theology Based on the Bible

2013年9月3日 星期二

Be Thou My Vision - Jaime Jorge





《尊貴的人、婚姻與性》(Honorable Man, Marriage, and Sex) BY 柯志明 (Immanuel Chih-Ming Ke)
