2014年12月29日 星期一

1031 Intermediate English Conversation I

Course Title
Intermediate English Conversation I
Class Offered
2 (required)
Class Time

二  3, 4:任垣441
Language Used in class
100% English
Using Any Textbooks Written in a Foreign Language
 Textbook(s) and Reference(s) Used
1. Selected articles.
2. Teacher’s Website: Sola Gratia: English, Literature, and the Bible. <http://english-literature-bible.blogspot.tw/>
3. Students will prepare handouts for the whole class.
(Handout: outline, words, phrases, references, appendixes).
Course Description (English Version)
The objective of this course is to enhance students’ English listening and speaking abilities. By way of presentations, group discussions, impromptu reports and oral exams, the students’ English communicative and expressive abilities are expected to be greatly improved. In this class, students will learn to listen patiently and express courageously. They will also develop confidence as well as independent and critical thinking. In addition, as students need to read plenty of materials for the preparing of the speeches, and are required to write down their speeches as well as make up handouts relevant to their speech contents (by itemizing the points of the speeches and listing a number of key words), they will also improve their English reading and writing abilities.

Intermediate Conversation (I) focuses on "introductions" and "issues", i.e., the students will introduce a variety of things and discuss diverse controversial topics. The topics will be voted by the students themselves from a list of topics provided by the instructor; students can add new ones if they like, thus the topics may vary year from year.

理學院英文簡報 Presentation 6: Walk Your Way to Better Health (12/30 美華)

理學院英文簡報 Presentation 6: Nata de banana: Processing of Banana Skin into Healthy and Fermented Product (12/30 慧琴)

耶穌之死:寫在2013年聖誕節前/ 柯志明教授




    耶穌是個偏僻鄉下的木匠,沒有正式受教育的記錄,他的公開活動約只有三年,願意跟隨他的門徒,都是漁夫、稅吏這些無學問的小民。最後,他被判處死刑,死時才三十三歲。死後,跟隨他的門徒都四散逃離。歷史名人中,只有公元前第四世紀建立希臘帝國的亞歷山大大帝(Alexander the Great, 356 – 323 BC)與耶穌同歲死,但他對歷史的影響不能與耶穌同日而語。
    為什麼這樣的一個人能改變歷史?為什麼他那些無學問無地位的門徒後來又能改變歷史?無論你多麼痛恨、輕視、不屑耶穌,你都要回答有關「耶穌現象」. . . . . . (繼續閱讀

Presentation 2-2: Sleep Mechanics (12/30 知巡)

Presentation 2-3: Why thinking yourself ugly is bad (12/30 念芳)

Presentation 2-5: Why do we gossip? (12/30 喻淇)

Presentation 2-6: No Impact Man (12/30 鈺婷)

Presentation 2-8: What Advertisement Trying to Tell Us? (12/30 晏如)

2014年12月22日 星期一

Presentation 2-1: How to Improve Your Memory Power (12/23 璟皓)

Presentation 2-2: Priority Seat (12/23 思穎)

Presentation 2-3: Living in the Worlds Friendliest Cities (12/23 惠翔)

Presentation 2-4: A Brief Introduction of Left-Hander (12/23 豈瑋)

Presentation 2-5: Wedding Dress (12/23 旭陽)

Presentation 2-6: Nauru (12/22 紓筠)

Presentation 2-7: Merry Christmas (12/23 映萱)

Presentation 2-8: Don't look down! “Living on the Edge” Buildings (12/23 莉絜)

Presentation 2-9: The Northeast Corner of Marine Style One Day Tour (12/23 妙涵)

2014年12月18日 星期四

為何因死哀慟?/ 柯志明教授


20141218 大肚山研經室

    年輕的Albert Camus說自殺是最嚴肅的哲學問題。這話有些誇張,但並不離譜,至少表明生死的嚴肅。不過,如果生命如同Camus所以為的那樣「荒謬」(l'absurde),那麼自殺也就不難理解,甚至是最可理解的了。如果只有死亡能結束荒謬的人生,自殺豈不是最正確的存在抉擇嗎?任何決心結束荒謬的人都應斷然結束生命!如果明知生命是荒謬的而卻又不選擇結束生命,這恐怕才是荒謬中的荒謬。就此而言,自殺的人似乎是最清醒的,至少他願意盡早離棄「荒謬」。......(繼續閱讀

2014年12月15日 星期一

Presentation 2-1: Autism--We are Here to Care (12/16 潔潔)

Presentation 2-2: Parenting Style (12/16 蒙迪)

Presentation 2-3: Let's adopt a pet instead of purchasing one (12/16 文意)

Presentation 2-4: Voluntary Services (12/16 可筠)

Presentation 2-5: Disney (12/16 芝妏)

Presentation 2-6: Five Unusual Foods in the World (12/16 毓微)

Presentation 2-7: Mental Illness (12/16 柏慈)

Andrea Bocelli - The Lord's Prayer.

Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come; thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. 
And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. 
[For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever.] 

2014年12月8日 星期一

2014靜宜大學 英文系中級會話:Making a Presentation (蔡慶達)

因著信:但我無法信/ 柯志明教授


20141121 大肚山研經室

    我想,也許他不是要否定「唯獨信心」,而是要否定我不必如此自憐,因為他常常與我分享上帝的信實可靠,因此,我沒有與他爭. . . . . (繼續閱讀

Presentation 2-1: 7 most bizarre festivals in the world (12/09 宋芮)

Presentation 2-2: Self-Service Traveling (12/09 佳睿 )

Presentation 2-3: China (12/09 鐘鎮 )

Presentation 2-4: Donor Insemination: Selling Babies (12/09 妙靜)

Presentation 2-5: Science Fiction (11/08 張翕)

Presentation 2-6: Stereotype (12/09 姿君)

Presentation 2-7: Mobile Phone Overuse (12/09 麗婷)

2014年12月1日 星期一

E-Books vs. Internet Archive

The Internet Classics Archive by Daniel C. Stevenson, Web Atomics. 
World Wide Web presentation is copyright © 1994-2009, Daniel C. Stevenson, Web Atomics.

© 2014 The University of Adelaide

Project Gutenberg Australia

理學院英文簡報 Presentation 1: My Future Job & Career Plan (12/02 美琴)

Presentation 1-3: Feminism. . . When its taken to the ridiculous (12/02 慶達)

Presentation 1-4: The art of note taking (12/02 喻淇)

Presentation 1-5: Organ Donation (12/02 鈺婷)

Presentation 1-6: Chinese Medicine (12/02 旭陽)

Good Blogs

Love Truth Life 愛 真理 生命
Dr. Immanuel Chih-Ming Ke 柯志明教授 部落格
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