2017年12月27日 星期三

The Raven/ 柯定君

The speaker used an intense, almost frantic way to miss his lover, Lenore. At first he didn’t know who was tapping his chamber door, he felt a little bit scared, but he calmed himself down by thinking that it was just some visitor. Then he opened the door, there was nothing with the unbroken silence. He felt very fearing and doubting. He thought that was Lenore, but nobody there, only wind. He turned back into his chamber door with his burning soul. The rapping came again and it became louder than before. He flung his shutter, then, a “stately Raven” showed up. After that, whenever the speaker thought something hopeful, the Raven only replied “Nevermore.” The speaker was going to be insane by the raven because he couldn’t accept the truth that his lover, Lenore was passed away. At the end, the speaker thought that his soul should be lifted, but the raven still repeated “Nevermore.” I think the speaker was very upset in his thought. He couldn't recover from his sorrow.

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