2017年12月27日 星期三

The Raven/ 張晏禎

First, the speaker heard someone rapping at his door and looked each separate dying ember like ghost and heard uncertain rustling of each purple curtain. Therefore, he opened the door, there was darkness and nothing. Those made him feel thrilled and spooky. But he didn’t close the door immediately. He whispered “Lenore!” and looked forward to seeing her. It was still nothing. Afterwards, he back into the house, hearing a tapping louder than before. He opened the shutter, seeing a stately Raven. He talked something to the Raven. But the Raven just said “Nevermore.” The speaker was disappointed. When he asked about Lenore and the Raven still said “Nevermore.” He felt heartbroken and hated the Raven very much.

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