2020年1月8日 星期三

A Photo: Example

They are my dolls as the faithful friends. They company me going through a lot of tough and lonely time. When I face some onerous things in my daily life, which causes me feeling helpless, depressed, and anxious, I will convey my emotions to them. They will hear my speech silently with their warm smiles. Their smiles make me think that they will support me no matter what happened to me. I don’t feel ignored although there aren’t any responses. Furthermore, they won’t leave me regardless. Because of them, I sleep with less solitude after my sister living outside. Besides, I feel relieved if they are by my side when the thunder is rumbling, or the power goes out. They seem to be the incarnations of justice to overwhelm those evil forces. Dolls aren’t just objects. They can also be our precious and indispensable friends of life. 

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