2013年11月28日 星期四

Chapter V. Description

Chapter V. Description[1]

A. What do you want to describe? As you get started on your descriptive essay, it's important for you to identify exactly what you want to describe. Often, a descriptive essay will focus on portraying one of the following:
1.  a person
2.  a place
3.  a memory
4.  an experience
5.  an object

B. How to Write Effective Description
1.  Recognize your purpose:
a. “Description is not free-floating; it appears in your writing for a particular reason—to help you inform, clarify, persuade, or create a mood.”
b. “In some essays you will want your description as objective—without personal impressions—as you can make it. . .”
c. “Other times, however, you will want to convey a particular attitude toward your subject; this approach to description is called subjective or impressionistic” (307).
2.  Describe clearly, using specific details
a.  “you must include a sufficient number of details that are specific rather than fuzzy or vague” (308).
・   Larry is a sloppy dresser
・   Larry wears dirty, baggy pants, shirts too small to stay tucked, socks that fail to match his pants or each other, and a stained coat the Salvation Army rejected as a donation” (308).
b. “clear images can be reproduced in the mind like photographs” (308).
3. Select only appropriate details.
a. Your purpose.
b. A dominate impression.
4. Make yours description vivid
a. Use sensory details: “If it’s appropriate, try using images that appeal to your reader’ five senses” (310).
・  Sight, hearing, smell, touch, smell, taste
b.  Use figuration language when appropriate
・  “Smile: A comparison between two things using the words ‘like’ or ‘as.’
・   Metaphor: A direct comparison of two things that does not use ‘like’ or ‘as.’
・   Personification: the attribution of human characteristics and emotions to inanimate objects, animals, or abstract ideas.
・   Hyperbole: intentional exaggeration or overstatement for emphasis or humor.
・   Synecdoche: a part of something used to represent the whole.
A hundred tired feet hit the dance floor for one last jitterbug” (310-311).
C. Problems to Avoid
1. Remember you audience
2. Avoid any sudden change in perspective

D.    Examples

Example 1

Christmas Time descriptive essay
Example of a Descriptive essay on Personal about:
christmas / holidays

Title: Christmas Time
    Christmas time is genuinely unforgettable and unique impression everyone senses at the depth of a heart. The occasion brings us an all-hearted spiritual unification with Christ and so every single soul is willing to celebrate.
    Joyful Christmas-tree decorations and sparkling lightings, underneath boxes with presents, magic odours and Christmas cuisine tastes – all make up a magical celebration atmosphere indulging children and adults within the wonders of a Christmas night.
    Jingle bells are magically ringing while miraculous horses are dashing through the snow. The Holy Spirit is flying in the frosty air warming people’s souls with hope and joy. And no-one can be left aside at Christmas Time for everyone is cheering with joy, singing carols and glorifying Christ’s mercy.
    On Christmas night all wishes come true and so the celebration is special. Main meals and desserts taste as never again during a year-time, houses are carefully decorated with a special attitude from each member of a family. Outside things are no less miraculous - the entire atmosphere recalls a fairy tale.  Everyone makes wishes through frosty windows, while enjoying falling snowflakes, sparkling stars above the darkness. All sorrows and regrets are forgotten and forgiven as on Christmas Night Jesus mercifully forgives every one of us.
    Joyful and spiritual Christmas time is a period of family unification and so each family member expresses a particular attitude to his/her relatives. Only then with the first star in the sky our wishes come true, we hold our hands in prayer celebrating together with Jesus and the whole Christian world! Only then it is right time to say - Merry Christmas to You!
    On this particular occasion we hold special senses to Jesus and each other – and so the joyful atmosphere is mutual; we feel it, cherish it, and certainly promise to make this world a better place and our living within to gather anew at a Christmas table in a year time, and say Merry Christmas! 

Example 2

Descriptive Essay of my Grandparents’ House
by lemon2x • August 7, 2012

When I was younger, I used to always go to my grandparent’s house. Even though they haven’t lived in their old house in a while, I will always remember it. It is a place I loved and have many memories in. My grandparent’s house was my home away from home. They were very hardworking, caring, and strict and the way their house felt reflected their personalities.
The house I will forever have embedded in my mind was located in the rural town of Bovina, Texas. This was the house my father and his twelve brothers and sisters grew up in. Every time we went there, I remember driving up and the first thing I saw was a medium sized dead tree with a rickety tire swing hanging from one of the larger tree limbs. The front yard had splotches of somewhat green grass here and there. The walkway to the front porch was kind of old and some of the cement bricks were broken. As you neared the house you got a better look at the house. The right side of the house, right under all the window sills, there were dying flowers. My grandma loved to tend to her garden but since she was getting up in the years, it became harder and harder for her to do so. The paint on the house was old and weathered and some of the bricks were broken and missing which brought out the real age of the house. There was a weird sound that you heard as you entered the doorway that sounded a little like a car that was about to stall out. I later learned that that was the old leaky swamp cooler on top of the house.
When you got into the house, the smell of Mexican food and cleaning products attacked your nostrils. The living room walls were made of this fake wood-looking stuff. It looked like a typical living room. It had two couches, a chair and a table in the middle of the room. The couches were a dark maroon color and the center table was glass with metal legs that were painted gold. The carpet was brown and the mixture of the walls, the furniture, and the carpet made the room pretty dark and a little chilly. The top of the TV was used as a mantle on which they held all their religious items. They also had a few crosses and a thing like that decorating the 70’s looking walls. Although the living room was comfy, my grandpa said it was off limits to everyone.
After all the hugs, hellos, and small talk, everyone would venture into the kitchen where my grandma would have a smorgasbord of all our favorite foods. On the way to the kitchen, you pass through a narrow hall. The walls going through the hall were littered with pictures of my dad and his brothers and sisters, some of the grandchildren, and again more religious items. You may begin to look at all of the pictures but since the kitchen is right there, the accentuating smell is luring you away. As you enter the kitchen, the floor no longer has carpet. The floor is now black and white vinyl squares. There is a giant table in the middle of the kitchen that could easily sit 10 people. The walls were white and had little kitchen knick knacks like clocks shaped like cows and things of that nature. The cupboards were old and rickety but, of course, always filled with snacks and candy for when the grandchildren came over. After everyone stuffed their face, everyone would sit around in the kitchen and catch up on things. When we have to leave, the room is filled with tears from both grandparents and my dad. Even though we live like 45 minutes away, they balled as if we were never coming back. I’d take one last swing on the old tree and we’d depart.
    Although the house wasn’t too big, the house was full of love and I always felt like it was my second home. Now the house is no longer there and my grandparents live 9 hours away, but no matter where they move or live, there house is always filled with the same love and it feels as if they never moved when I’m at their house.

[1] The following content is selected from Jean Wyrick. Steps to Writing Well. Ninth Edition. United States: Thomson, 2005. 

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