2013年11月18日 星期一

2 A(C) Report:


*officer/ official 什麼樣的官員
Ans: Officer代表的是「軍官、警官」也可以擴大泛指穿著特殊制服,在近乎軍事化機構工作之官員,如「海關人員」。
Ex. Mr. Wang is an officer in the Ministry of Defense. (X)
Mr. Wang is an official in the Ministry of Defense. (O)
Ex. Both commissioned and non-commissioned officials attended. (X)
    Both commissioned and non-commissioned officers attended. (O)

*one day/ some day  過去或未來的「某一天」
one day不論指過去或未來的某一天皆可適用;
some day只能用來指示「將來的」某一天。
Ex. Some day he came to see me. (X)
      One day he came to see me. (O)
Ex. If you don’t change, you will be sorry for it some day. (O)
     If you don’t change, you will be sorry for it one day. (O)
*open/ unfold   到底是怎麼「打開」的?
Ex. The eagle opens its wings. (X)
     The eagle unfolds its wings. (O)
Ex.  A magnificent view unfolded before our eyes. (X)
A magnificent view opened before our eyes. (O)
*opposite/contradictory/contrary   相反與對立
Ex.  Traffic is moving in opposite directions. (X)
Traffic is moving in contrary directions. (O)
Ex.   Father and Mother sat at contrary ends of the table. (X)
Father and Mother sat at opposite ends of the table. (O)
Ex.  They had opposite statements and therefore they triggered a serious quarrel between them. (X)
     They had contrary statements and therefore they triggered a serious quarrel between them. (O)
*kill/ assassinate/ butcher/ execute 不同的「殺」
Kill 是一般最常見的說法,常用來指使人或物「喪失生命」,變成死亡狀態,所以並不刻意強調是用什麼工具或方法,只強調致死的事實。
To be killed with/ to be killed by 的不同:
Ex. He was killed by a knife. (X)
     He was killed with a knife. (O)
*注意: He was killed by a knife. 意指:他死於刀下
To be killed with/ to be killed by 的不同之處在於,

killed  dead的不同狀態:
Ex.  She was dead in a car accident two year ago. (X)
       She was killed in a car accident two year ago. (O)
*注意: dead純粹指一種死亡狀態,這個句子要強調的是車禍「致她於死」,並不是要強調她的死亡狀況,所以一定要用killed才能包含「置

 kill  assassinate 的不同:
Ex.  The police captured the man who killed the premier. (X)
       The police captured the man who assassinated the premier. (O)

kill  butcher 之相異處:
Ex.  Women and children were killed by the rebels. (X)
       Women and children were butchered by the rebels. (O)

kill  execute  之不同:
 Ex.  The criminal was killed because of murder.  (X)
        The criminal was executed because of murder. (O)
*注意: 一樣地,我們不能光用kill表示criminal的死亡狀態,應該用execute表示他是因為「執行死刑」而死  

*kind和kindly 「仁慈」的差別

Kindly 當形容詞時,特指長對幼、強對弱或地位高對地位低的人的「厚道」、「仁慈」或「慈祥」,指 humane 「仁道、厚道」, sympathetic「有同情心的」,比較強調在行動上的表現,

Ex. Mr. Michaels is very kindly to us. (X)
      Mr. Michaels is very kind to us.  (O)
 *注意: kind當形容詞用,形容麥寇斯先生是個「善良親切的人」,所以他對我們 很好。應該把kindly改成kind

Ex. Margaret has a kind father. (瑪格麗特的父親是個善良親切的人。)
     Margaret has a kindly father.  (瑪格麗特有個慈祥的父親。)

Ex. Would you kindly fill in your name and address? (O)
      Would you kind fill in your name and address?  (X)

Ex. Mr. Thomas also very kind allowed us to hold the conference in
his magnificent office. (X)
       Mr. Thomas also very kindly allowed us to hold the conference
in his magnificent office. (O)

Ex. He follows the law of his kind.  (O)
       He follows the law of his kindly. (X)

 Ex. Kindly come this way please. (O)
       Please kindly come this way.  (O)
      Come this way kindly please.  (X)
*kind/ category/ class / sort/ type 到底有幾「種」
在英文中有好幾種不同的「種類」單字表達法,其中kind (名詞是最常使用的表示「分類」的用語。用法廣泛,通常指「根據事物特徵或性質」而分的類別。

kind 和 type 之相異:
Ex. Is there any difference between the new kind of airplane and the old kind? (X)
      Is there any difference between the new type of airplane and the old type? (O)

sort 和 class的分別:
Ex. The race has competitions for ten sorts of boat. (X)
    The race has competitions for ten classes of boat.  (O)

kinds或sorts和 category的分別:
Ex. Even in the war time, the store-owner tried his best to have his store well stocked with goods of all categories.   
      Even in the war time, the store-owner tried his best to have his store well stocked with all sorts of goods. (O)
*注意:category則是較專業、正式的「分類」,貨品並不需要按照「自然屬性」做分類,更不需要依據任何的「科學方法」,所以這裡用categories太過正式了,應該用 kindssorts即可。

Ex. The strings are a kind of musical instruments.
       The strings are a category of musical instruments. (O)

*kindle/ fire/ ignite/ inflame/ light  哪一種才是我要的「燃燒」?
Kindle 所指涉的燃燒物是比較不容易燃燒的,需要做些準備工作或採取一些措施的東西,而且有時會用來比喻激發某種強烈情感或行為。  
Ignite  kindle 相似,指的是通過某種方法使物體快速而猛烈的燃燒,尤其指易燃物。
Inflame 比較屬於文學用語,指一種情感的強烈爆發,醫學上還可以用來指發炎。 
Light 偏向「照亮」的含意,所以通常用來指為了照明、取暖或吸煙等目的而點燃某物或用來比喻人容光煥發。

fire 和 kindle 的用法:
  Ex.  The spark fired the dry grass. (X)
           The spark ignited the dry grass. (X)
           The spark kindled the dry grass. (O)
*注意:句子中的意思指的是spark (剰餘火星)點燃了」乾草的情況而已,並沒有「熊熊燃燒」的意思,所以用 kindled 較適合。

fire 和 inflame 的用法:
  Ex. The hill was fired with autumnal tints. (X)
     The hill was inflamed with autumnal tints.(O)
*注意:秋色雖然像是「火紅的大片燃燒」,但是並不是真的燃燒,而是強調「染遍了」的文學味道,所以要把 fired 改成 inflamed 比較適當。

light and ignite 之分辨:
 Ex. As it got dark, he ignited a candle. (X)
        As it got dark, he lighted a candle. (O)
*注意: 雖然蠟燭是被「點燃」了,可是更強調它的「照明功能」,所以要把 ignited改成 lighted
kindle and fire 的用法:
Ex. The speaker fired the audience with enthusiasm.  (O)
The speaker kindled the audience with enthusiasm. (X)

kindle and ignite 之分辨:
Ex. Petrol kindles very easily. (X)
        Petrol ignites very easily.  (O)
 *注意: kindle 就表現不出句子裡要說的主要意思易燃物,所以應該用 ignites 來代替。
*know/ learn/ understand/ study  「學」到什麼了?
Know/ Learn/ Understand/ Study 這些字都是「知道」、「學習到」的意思,但是卻用在不同的地方。
Learn 則是說明「知道」了一種技能,較偏重「學習」的味道,比較客觀,還可以代表學到一種教訓的意思。
Understand 是指「理解」,強調清楚瞭解明白,沒有誤會,不光是「知道了」而已。
Study  learn 相比之下,更重視「學習」、「研究」的意思,尤其在學習某種專業科目,而不是生活上的某種技能之類。

learn and study 之分辨:
Ex. Do you know how to study English effectively? (O)
       How do we learn English effectively? (O)
Ex. Most of students in that senior high school 
learn English well. (O)   
    Ex. Most of students learn English well. (O)
         Most of students want to study English abroad. (O)
    Ex. It's time to learn English! Study abroad and learn English with English courses and English language schools in England and America. (O)
*解說:雖然我們「學英文」,可是我們已經將英文當作一種「生活必備技能」時,就用 learn 表達「通曉學習」的意思,而不光只是「學了」而已。

know and understand 的用法:
Ex. A good teacher must understand children. (O)
   A good teacher must know children. (X)
   A good teacher must know his/her children well. (O)
A good teacher should be loving, know the children personally in order to help them with their problems. (O)

know and learn 之分辨:
Ex. I learn by his voice that he is tired. (X)
       I know by his voice that he is tired. (O)
解說:「我知道他累了」不需要表示任何「學習」的意思,所以只要用 know 表示說「知道了」就好了。

learn and study 不同的「研究」
Ex. They will learn the effect of technology on jobs. (X)
They will study the effect of technology on jobs. (O)
解說: 因為句子裡已經強調了「研究」的專業意味,所以要把learn改成表示「學習專業知識」的study
*know/ know of/ know about  到底「知道」不知道?
know在這三者裡面表達的「知道、瞭解」的意思最為直接,可以是及物也可以是不及物動詞;know of  know about都是及物動詞片語,都應有接受詞,know of表示「知道有……」、「聽說過……」,而 know about意思是「知道關於……的情況」。

Ex. I know about Mark because I have heard people talking about him. (X)
    I know Mark because I have heard people talking about him. (O)

Ex. I don’t know of your situation so that I can’t help you. (X)
       I don’t know about your situation so that I can’t help you. (O)

Ex. The girl you knew about in the party is one of my good friends. (X)
       The girl you knew in the party is one of my good friends. (O)

Ex. I know of Mark because I have heard people talking about him. (O)
      I know Mark because I have heard people talking about him. (O)
      I know about Mark because I have heard people talking about him. (X)
解說:這例句若要強調我並不真認識Mark,只是「聽過」別人談論,就不要用 know而是用 know of 若用 know 指的是「知道」Mark這個人,但不是太熟。know about意思是「知道關於……的情況」。  

Ex. I don’t know about your situation so that I can’t help you. (O)
      I don’t know of your situation so that I can’t help you. (X)
解說:在例句中,並不是有沒有「聽說過」,而是「我不知道關於……的情況」,所以應該把 know of 改成 know about才正確。

Ex. The girl you knew in the party is one of my good friends.
解說:在句子中,只是單純表示「認識、知道」的意思,和「瞭解那個女孩的情況」無關,所以只要用 know 就可以了。

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