2013年11月12日 星期二

2 (Ac) Report: Sentence

Nov 14 , 2013   
 林宇薇 鄭淯澤 劉泓垣
Collins Common Errors in English – Sentence

1.Question with auxiliary verbs(助動詞) P92
Has he been working?  /  Are you staying here?
2.Who,what,etc,as subject P93
What did you say? You = subject,What = object / What came next? What = subject.
Who made that noise?
(wh-word是句子當中的主詞,不要使用do還有the word order is the same as for a statement)
3.What is … for? P93
What is that tool for? / What are the red parts for?
(要問有關某件事物目的或用途,用what is/are/was/were…for? For要放在句子最後面)
4.Indirect questions (間接問題) P94
Can you tell me where the station is? / Do you know what time it is?
(當詢問某人問題時,要有禮貌的表達用Could you tell me…?or Do you know? And has same word order as a statement)

Question tags:
1.Isn’t she?, won’t you?, have you? ,etc P95
They’ll notice that, won’t they? / we can go later, can’t we? (否定型式的型態通常是不規則的)
2.Postive statement, negative tag P96
You’ve got a brother, haven’t you? / He doesn’t like football, does he?

1.No,never,not,etc. P98
Neither / None/ Nothing / Never / Not / Nobody…
(Use one of these words, do not make verb negative as well.)
1.      Although/though (雖然、儘管) P99
Despite his hard work, he failed his exam.
(Do not use although or though in front of a noun or a noun phrase. Use despite or in spite of instead.)
She wore a coat even though it was a hot day.
(Put even in front of though, but not in front of although)
2.      Because P99
Because we’d done a lot of exercise, that is why we were all very hungry. Because we’d done a lot of exercise, we were all very hungry.
(If use because at beginning of a sentence, do not put a phrase such as that is why at the beginning of next part of sentence)
3.      Neither…nor (既不也不…) P100
Neither his father nor his mother was there.
(Neither…nor is used for linking two words or expressions in order to make a negative statement about both them. Neither in front of the first word and nor in front of the second one.)
4.      Unless (除非) P100
I won’t go to France unless he pays for my ticket.
(Do not use a future form after unless, use the present simple after unless.)
5.      Until (直到..)P101
I’ll wait here until you’ve had your breakfast.
(Something that will be completed by a particular time, you use the present perfect after until.)

Conditionals(條件語) P102~103
1.      Zero conditional is used to talk about things that are always true.use present simple
2.      First conditional is used to talk about something that might happen in the future.use present simple
3.      Second conditional is used for talking about unlikely situations. use past simple
4.      Third conditional to talk about something that might hace happened in the past bit didn’t happen use past perfect

Relative clauses (關係子句)
1.      Relative pronouns (關係代名詞) P104
That / Who / Whom talk about people
Which / That talk about things
2.      No extra pronoun (不用有多餘的代名詞) P104
The town where I work, it is near London.The town
where I work is near London.
(Do not add another pronoun as the subject or object.)
3.      Commas in defining clauses (逗號在解釋子句裡的用法)
The book, which I enjoyed very much, was by a Polish author.
(Non-defining relative clauses give extra information about
a person or thing, but don’t help to identify them.put 
commas in front of these clause )

Collocation (排列、組合)
1.      Make or do? P109
Make : make friends, made a big effort, made a lot of mistakes/excuses/progress, make a list…
Do: do your homework, do more research, done a lot of work, do business…
2.      Talking about size, amount, and degree P110
There was a large/wide/narrow choice of subjects.
The issue is of great importance to us.
She was in great pain.

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