2018年1月8日 星期一

Othello/ Shakespeare

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41 則留言 :

  1. I think Lago is really a bad guy,cause the whole tradegy happened. We should not only trust one person's word but also ask someone else first.

  2. I think Iago is the person who should die. Although he was dead,but I think he should die twice. If he didn’t do these things, the tragic would not happen.

  3. I think although Iago is the main reason to cause this tragedy, but Othello was controlled by his emotion, maybe he could stay calm and give his wife a chance to explain it.

  4. Othello is fooled by Iago, so as Roderigo. I think Desdemona is the only one who is innocent because she didn't do anything wrong.
    Iago is pure evil and Othello is silly to trust someone so easily. Everyone is responsible for the death and Desdemona didn't deserve to die.

  5. I think Lago is really a bad man. He let Roderigo kill the Cassio.And Othello is too easy to be convinced because he rather believe Lago than believe his wife.

  6. 奧賽羅小壞壞,聽到別人不實的謠言與作假的證據後,就因為嫉妒心,而殺了自己心愛的妻子,又把好朋友當敵人,真的很不應該

  7. 我覺得奧賽羅太衝動了 別人隨便說就相信了
    加上他對自己也不夠自信 我覺得他的黑人身份應該也是受盡了歧視 導致他不夠相信自己

  8. I think it's just a disaster which from the terrible thought that in human hearts.
    Suspicious and doubt are normal for everyone, but sometimes we'll do the wrong things because we have some questions that can't solve.

  9. I think Iago is cruel. He did every bad thing in order to achieve his target. And Othello also a stupid guy, he should think everything by himself and not just believe what other people said.

  10. I think lago is so bad because he can't get the position of lieutenant and decides to revenge. About Othelle, he is a sorrowful guy. Othelle killed his wife before knowing the fact.

  11. Iago just liked a demon. Seducing human to trap in ruin. But couldn't control determined people. If Othello has confident for his wife, the ending would be different.

  12. 因某人的愛慕追求&忌妒那人得到官位,計謀師計畫拆散夫婦。


    本是完美計畫,卻因丈夫的忌妒心太強烈,導致妻子被殺害,丈夫也因“自責”而自殺,也因為這一切的計劃被發現,使得計謀師被處死,Bad End.

  13. Othello is too easy influenced by other people so he kill his wife
    but basically he is a strong and noble hero of the soul .

  14. Everyone has wrong, except Desdemona and Cassio. Both of them are using by Iago for his revenge to Othello. I think the most innocent is Desdemona, she did nothing in this play but also killed.

  15. I think lago is a bad person and , he made the tragedy happened, although he has die, i think it’s not enough

  16. In this story, no one is innocent. Lago is evil, Roderigo and Othello are stupid, Emilia is blind, Cassio is easy to be set up. Everyone is sinned but Desdemona, she is kind and innocent.

  17. A對於忌妒心很重的人來說,即使是小事也會變成大事,引發是非。所以嫉妒心就像是魔鬼,不想被控制,就需要秉持著對別人信任的態度,想要別人真誠的信賴你,自己也要先做到相信別人。

  18. People should think three times to do a think, or it might make a big mistake. The bad thing will happen like the women death.

  19. A story of the righteous man,Othello be fooled by a very bad man,lago,and Othello killed his loyal wife.
    Jealous makes the tragedy happened.

  20. It's a tragedy story. The people who hurt you seriously, always be the most closed to you.
    Othello was too impulse. Young man always be young man.

  21. I think everyone need to be responsible to themselves. It's not only one's faults but also everyone's mistakes. For example, Othello didn't believe in his wife for her infidelity. On the other hand, Lago was unsatisfied with his lieutenant so he persuaded Roderigo to kill Othello. What's more, Roderigo was too innocent to believe Lago. So I think they should be responsible for themselves.

  22. lago is a really bad guy,he pretend as a good guy but instigate other to fight.I think Othello is too implus,I think he should think twice and give his wife a opportunity to explain.

  23. Othello lost his trust to his wife. He was enraged so he decided to kill his wife in the end. I think Iago was evil. In this story, Othello believed Iago but he didn’t trust his lover. It’s a tragedy.

  24. I think in this story, everyone has their faults.Othello rather believed a man’s words but not his wife’s.
    Iago is just an asshole and Cassio shouldn’t get drunk to hurt other people.
    We need to learn the lesson from this story.

  25. Othello’s love to Desdemona is too weak. He couldn’t find and listen to her instead he killed her. That’s really hurt to his wife.

  26. Othello is a tragedy by William Shakespeare, I think Othello is stupid, he doesn’t believe that his wife and his friend. He didn’t want to know the truth. And her wife and Cassio didn’t want to explain to Othello. He was cheated by Iago. Because of Iago hate Othello give Cassio promotion. So Iago want to revenge Othello. And withe Iago’s jealous, he let Othello’s wife and Cassio were pretend affair. In the end, Othello kill his wife, and the when Othello know the truth, he was regret he kill his wife. And then he was suicide. Iago was put to dead.

  27. 三個笨蛋和一個聰明人

  28. 三個笨蛋和一個聰明人

  29. I think Iago jealos Othello what he have.
    This situation just like our social and someone hate you who do those bad things on you.
    Life is so hard.

  30. There are lots of people like Iago in this world, the point is we can not be stupid, turst people carefully.

  31. I think ethello not firm enough to easy to trust other one.

  32. 奧賽羅不應聽信別人的謠言而誤殺自己的妻子與朋友

  33. 1.Roderigo loves Desdemona but Desdemona has married Othello.
    2.Iago hates Othello because Othello give the positiin of lieutenant to Cassio not him.
    3.Brabanzio accuses Othello stealing his daughter by witchcraft but its not truth.
    4.Iago saw Cassio clasp Desdemona's hand and he wanted to eliminate Cassio.
    5.Iago frames Cassio and Desdemona as lovers to make Othello jealous.
    6.Desdemona entreats Othello to forgive Cassio and Othello believes Desdemona is unfaithful.
    7.The handkerchief drop to the floor and Iago put it in Cassio's chamber.
    8.Iago asked Roderigo to kill Cassio but he was be killed.
    9.Othello killed his wife.
    10.Emilia tells Othello she give the handkerchief to Iago.
    11.Iago killed Emilia.
    11.Othello knew he was wrong. He killed himself.
    12.Iago was be executed.

  34. I think Othello is very impulse. And he didn’t believe his wife. Do not be a jealous person. Because it can make people make a mistake choose.

  35. Othello is not a good man he kill his wife and also try to kill his friend

  36. 我認為奧賽羅因為聽了阿伊古的話就殺殺了他的老婆,覺得他不相信自己的老婆反而聽信別人的話,這對她老婆很不公平

  37. Iago has a secret jealousy and resentment towards Othello ,Iago somehow gets the handkerchief on Cassio so that Othello sees it and he finally concludes that the possession is proof of the affair.
    Due to the jealousy, he orders Iago to murder Cassio.
    Then Othello decides to strangle Desdemona. Immediately afterwards her innocence is revealed, and Iago’s treachery exposed.
    In a fit of grief and remorse Othello kills himself and Iago is taken into custody by the authorities.

  38. Desdemona was poor because she was killed by her husband.

  39. In my opinion love make people crazy, when people fall in love everything will be blind, people can't deal with things correctly, but in story lago was bad man and had evil mind always had bad idea to do others. In story Othello trust lago because he think 女角 too good 不配他才會殺死他.

  40. I think lago is the end justifies the means. He had machinations to murder Othello and Cassio. Othello misunderstood his wife and smothered her. Then, he knew the truth, killing himself. I think Othello is fool. He didn't think more about Cassio and Desdemona. He look only at the surface.

  41. 奧賽羅太容易相信別人了 才導致了這場悲劇
    但我覺得也有可能是他對自己不夠有自信 畢竟他們一開始是不被認同的
    然後對自己的妻子也不夠信任 應該要相信妻子對他的愛,
