2018年1月6日 星期六

Tatoka/ 陳雅琳


This article about Discovery Kid shows Tales of Tatonka. There are four wolf cubs in the forests of North America. They learn lessons about nature with the help of their friend. They work together and sometimes have help from other animals, too. The forest can be dangerous for the wolves because many animals there are their enemies. In one episode, all of the salmon are missing from the river. Wanji and Cinksi try to find out why. They walk into the dangerous territory of the renegade wolves. Their bear cub friend Poum save them from trouble. Later, the wolf cubs save their young friend Mosse after an avalanche.

When I read this article, I search Tales of Tatonka from youtube. I think all of animals are cute. If I have free time, I can watch it.

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