2018年1月5日 星期五

Wonder/ 陳雅琳

Auggie is not a regular child. He has a medical condition. His ears are small and his eyes point down. Because of this, Auggie doesn’t go to school. His mother teaches him all of his lesson at home.

This is going to change. Auggie is staring the fifth grade at Beecher Prep. On first day, the school director, Mr. Tushman, welcomes him. He introduces Auggie to three other kids: Jack, Julian, and Charlotte.

Soon, Auggie meets classmate, Summer. Auggie has lunch with Summer together every day. Although Auggie doesn’t have many friends, he can count on Summer and Jack.
However, everything changes on Holloween. Auggie puts his “Bleeding Scream” mask and hood on and enters the classroom. Jack doesn’t see Auggie. He tells Julian something bad about Auggie. Auggie feels like crying.

Jack stars hanging out with Julian more. Jack thinks back to that Holloween.” The Bleeding Scream is Auggie!.” Jack finally understands. He find Auggie and says, ”I’m sorry about saying those mean things!” Auggie forgives Jack, and they become friends again.

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