2018年9月25日 星期二

Exercise 1: Shall, Should

•1. I shall have to go.
•2. I shall hold you responsible.
•3. I shall return.
•4. I shall never forget your advice.
•5. We shall never surrender.
•6. We shall overcome some day.
•7. Shall I help you carry that box upstairs?
•8. Where shall we go first?
•9. Let’s go for a walk, shall we?
•10. Each competitor shall wear a number.
•11. You shall have a nice toy if you are a good boy.
•12. Ask, and it shall be given.
•13. You shall not steal.
•14. We should obey our parents.
•15. You should pay your debts.
•16. You should eat more fruit.
•17. We shouldn’t tell a lie.
•18. You came late. You should have come earlier.

•19. David failed his examination yesterday. He should have studied harder.
•20. He should have stopped smoking and drinking since his blood pressure was so high.
•21. You shouldn’t have said so.
•22. You shouldn’t have crossed the street when the lights were reds.
•23. He should be there by now.
•24. I should like to go with you.
•25. I should think so.
•26. I should guess her to be about forty.
•27. I see no reason why you should think that way.
•28. I am surprised that he should have failed.
•29. It is strange that he should think so.
•30. He recommended that we should buy the book.
•31. I suggest that he should stop smoking.
•32. He proposed that he should be punished.
•33. The demanded that action should be taken immediately.
•34. The workmen requested that they should attend the meeting.
•35. He insisted that we should pay the bill at once.
•36. He commanded that the prisoners should be released.
•37. He ordered that they should be set free.
•38. He wore a mask lest someone should recognize him.

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