2019年12月12日 星期四

Frankenstein 9

Page 104-109
1. Why did Victor break his promise?

Page 114-116
1. What was the terrible thing?

5 則留言 :

  1. H105A139謝旻真
    1. Victor worried about that the female monster might be even more evil than her mate. She might not leave Europe and hide in the forests of South America. They might hate each other. The monster might not like her face. She might leave him. They might have children. They might destroy mankind.
    2. Victor thought when he left the island, the monster will kill him and someone he loved. His friend, Clerval wanted to meet victor, but he died in a small town.

  2. 1.victor worried they will have children They will create a race of devils that might destroy mankind.

    2.when he saw on the table the body of my friend Clerval.

  3. H105A110王筱婷

    1.The monster has promised to leave Europe and hide himself in the forest of South America,but she has not promised. She might refuse.They might even hate each other.
    The monster and she might disgust each other.He thinks the monster will have children and create a race of devils that might destroy mankind. He realized how wicked his promise was. He will never create another monster.

    2.Clerval was killed by the monster.

  4. 1. He thought that if the two monsters live with each other, they will have children who are a race of devils that might destroy mankind. And he also thought about that he doesn’t have the right, for his own comfort, to do something that would be a curse on future generations.

    1. Victor entered the room. Imagine his horror he saw on the table the body of his friend Clerval!


  5. P.104-109
    1. He broke his promise because he thought that if the two monsters live with each other, they will have children who are a race of devils that might destroy mankind. And he also thought about that he doesn’t have the right, for his own comfort, to do something that would be a curse on future generations.

    1. Victor entered the room. Imagine his horror he saw on the table the body of his friend Clerval!

    H105A113 周郁婷
    H105A115 謝惇婷
    H105A127 林子琦
    H105A135 李玟靜
    H105A146 張雅雯
    U1048158 林欣儀
