2019年12月9日 星期一

Summary: “Tuesdays with Morrie” Page 1-68/ 真央

This is a summary of “Tuesdays with Morrie” written by Mitch Albom. This novel is a story about a relationship between the author and his old professor Morrie Schwartz. 
    Mitch was graduated from Brandeis University in 1979. He promised Morrie he would keep in touch. 
    Morrie loved dancing, but he had no choice but to stop dancing because he was attacked with a disease called ALS in the summer of 1994. Mitch didn’t know Morrie’s illness because he broke a promise, and moreover, he didn’t check any mail that Brandeis University sent in many years. Mitch’s dream to be a musician was broken. Besides, he faced other’s death. He said, “It was the most helpless I have ever felt in my life” (15). He went to graduate school and he got a job as a sportswriter in Detroit and he became a workaholic. 
    Morrie’s leg gave out, but he had not to be depressed yet. One of his friends sent Morrie’s aphorisms which Morrie shared with his friends to a Boston Globe reporter. It made an opportunity to appear on the TV show and Mitch visits Morrie. 
    Mitch stuck on his business call until just before met Morrie. He saw Morrie for the first time in sixteen years, but Morrie remembered Mitch. Their last class had already begun before Mitch even realized it. While Mitch dealt with Morrie’s questions, he realized his days were full but unsatisfied. During his visit to London for business, he couldn’t get Morrie’s word out of his head. After he went back to Detroit, he decided that he visit Morrie again. Their class had held every Tuesday. 
    The theme of Morrie’s class was “The Meaning of Life”. Especially, Morrie told Mitch about ‘love’ and ‘self-pity’. For example, “The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in” (52), “Mitch, I don’t allow myself any more self-pity than that. A little each morning, a few tears, and that’s all”(57). 
    Ont the third Tuesday of their class, Mitch started recording the conversation between him and Morrie, and he made a list of what he want to talk with Morrie. In Mitch’s senior year, he wrote his thesis with Morrie.

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