2019年12月9日 星期一

Summary: “Tuesdays with Morrie” Page 1-68/ 人平

This story “Tuesdays with Morrie” is talking about the last class for the student Mitch who is also the author of the book and his professor Morrie. The subject Mitch learned is the meaning of life. Therefore, it mentioned how to face aging, death, forgiveness, and so on. 

    In the first half of the story, Morrie was diagnosed with ALS which is no known cure. Meanwhile, Mitch had his first serious encounter with death. His uncle died. After that, the professor was interviewed. Accordingly, Mitch got his circumstance, so he went to visit his teacher. 
    Furthermore, they started their classes every Tuesday. From the first class, we can notice that Morrie still paid attention to this world even though he was dying. At the next meeting, we see the old man still felt sorry for himself sometimes. However, we know Morrie thought he was a lucky person because he had time to say good-bye. Afterwards, the author uttered his curiosities from his professor. It was about if Morrie ever regretted anything. Besides, on Mitch’s way home, he made a list about what he wanted to ask his teacher.

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