2019年12月9日 星期一

Summary: “Tuesdays with Morrie” Page 1-68/ Gina

This book “Tuesdays with Morrie” is talking about professor Morrie’s final course: his own death after diagnosed ALS. The author, Mitch Albom, his student lost contact with Morrie for sixteen years. One night, Mitch saw the NIGHTLINE interviewing his favorite professor. Then they became Tuesday people again as in his college period. Differently, they are talking about “the meaningful life and facing death”. 
    There are many sad stories in the world happening every moment. Morrie felt people’s suffering as he was also suffering the inconvenience of the disease. Mitch is a sports journalist, so news business is his normal life. In the first lesson, Morrie said to Mitch "the most important thing in life is to learn how to give our love, and to let it come in" (52). 
    ALS is an unforgiving illness of the neurological and an incurable one. Morrie needed assistance in daily living from others more and more. He accepted the frustration and helplessness. He gave himself a good cry and relieving yet limited self-pity. It was still wonderful because he had some time to say good-bye which not everyone was as lucky. 
    According to our traditional values, the culture doesn’t encourage us to talk about death. We are focusing on a career, having enough money, getting a car, buying a house and so on…. are we missing something? Would we do the same thing if today was our last day on earth? Morrie faced death positively through his courage and openness, which inspired Mitch in many ways.

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