I say to the LORD, “You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you.”(Psalm 16.2, Bible)
Looking at the majority of us who spend most of our days pursuing things that are unrelated to God, it's no wonder that the satisfaction and happiness we derive from pursuing material and spiritual needs in this world are so short-lived, so unsatisfactory, so easily taken away, and so unreliable. All of these pursuits are fleeting, meaningless, and disconnected from true goodness, and they cannot truly satisfy our hearts nor last for eternity.
The psalmist affirms to us that all good things come from God. God is the source of all goodness. Human beings are wholly dependent on Him for their well-being. Seeking happiness from anything other than God is futile because all goodness comes from Him. So, without God, any pursuit of happiness or good things and any attempt to find fulfillment apart from God would be in vain.
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