2024年3月19日 星期二

Tomb Sweeping Festival

1. What is the conversation about? 

2.  Please talk about your experience. 

10 則留言 :

  1. 第四組全到
    1. These conversations are about the custom of tomb-sweeping on Tomb-sweeping Day.
    2. I want to pay homage to my ancestors, and then go to his grave to say something.

  2. 第二組全到
    1.This conversation talks many details about tomb sweeping during Qingming Festival, as well as activities.

    2.I and my dad are driving to our ancestors' tomb and we can climb mountains at Tomb Sweeping Festival.

  3. 第五組(謝佩珊未到)2024年3月20日 上午11:21

    1. What is the conversation about? 
    It is conversation about eastern culture- Tomb Sweeping Festival.We will prepare the offerings and pay our respects to our ancestors.
    2.  Please talk about your experience. 
    My family and I go to tomb sweeping each year.Before tomb sweeping we are worship ancestors and make many offerings such as fruits and vegetarian diet.And our lunch eat spring rolls.

  4. 第一組 林怡彣未到
    1.About Tomb Sweeping Festival.
    2.I've never go to sweep tombs.
    I don't know why, but my parents said I didn't have to go .
    In my family only my father would go to sweep tombs , and when he came home, he would take a bath first, and then bathe with wormwood.

  5. 第八組 林語柔 李芸儀 陳婕嫻 楊雨菁 許瑜庭 許毓涵 汪暐璇 周杰霖 卓雅婷 陳鈺淇 袁紫瑩
    1.It's about the traditional culture of Tomb Sweeping Festival.
    2. Every year during Qingming Festival, my family and I will visit the tombs and prepare gold and paper offerings to worship our ancestors. The weather is very nice and the process is very cumbersome.

  6. 第七組:張芷瑜、楊琇惠、葉思宏、黃玨、葉心舞、陳家增
    1.Xiao Ming and his family woke up early to sweep the tomb and prepared some offerings for their grandparents.

    2.We will go to the columbarium to sweep the tomb. And our families will gather together to chat and eat runbing.

  7. 第二組張彥薪未到
    This conversation talks many details about tomb sweeping during Qingming Festival, as well as activities.(陳惠雯)

    I and my dad are driving to our ancestors' tomb and we can climb mountains at Tomb Sweeping Festival.(陳玉慈)

  8. 第三組 未到:潘尚葳 林若漩 管敏慈
    1.The conversation introduce of what is sweeping festival,and through xiaoming’s perspective let us learn different knowledge.
    2. I have never tomb sweeping before,because of our family’s female couldn’t go to tomb sweeping. But I don’t know why.

  9. 第九組 (王品元未到)
    1.What is the conversation about?
    Discussing some procedures and superstitions about tomb-sweeping during the Tomb Sweeping Festival.

    2.Please talk about your experience.
    In the day of tomb sweeping festival, me and my brother will sweep the area around the tomb. And my parents will prepare the offings like dishes, fresh fruits and drinks. And the last thing we do is burn the paper money and pray.

  10. 第六組
    The conversation shows that the children don't understand the Qingming Festival, and the parents patiently explain its importance to Taiwanese.(黃家萱)

    My family will go to the columbarium , and we need to prepare gold paper, incense and offerings.
