2019年10月22日 星期二


Reading Explorer 1. Second edition. Cengage Learning, 2014.

22 則留言 :

  1. 會計二B 陳滎豪 郭佳靈 林思妤
    1.Dust is very small to see.
    2.I've seen cells under a microscope.
    3.I think that the Danio rerio's ability to regenerate allows us to study and find the secrets.

  2. 2.Yes,I had look at cells under a microscope

  3. 會計三A 廖柏翔 傅琬婷 徐健豪
    1. Dust , nano , bacterial
    2.I have seen red blood cells under the microscope.
    3.I think it’s very important, it can help break things down.

  4. 1.Insect and dust are too small to see with the human eye.
    2.I never looked at something under a microscope.
    3.Probiotics is useful to us.

  5. 財工二A 詹凱淞 陳仕勳 曾昱傑
    1.Flea is too small to see with the human eye.
    2.I don't have look at something under microscope.

  6. 1、Virus is too small to see with humans eyes.
    2、We had look plants cell wall under a microscope.
    3、Spider is useful, because they can eat mosquito.

    法律4B 410503232 陳芃諭

  7. 1、Virus is too small to see with humans eyes.
    2、We had look plants cell wall under a microscope.
    3、Spider is useful, because they can eat mosquito.

    法律4B 410503232 陳芃諭、陳彥潔

  8. 1.hair,seeds and insect
    2.a cell from my mouth
    3.The working cell from human body let me live
    生態系 3-A陳炳辰

  9. 財工三 楊立宇
    財工三 王俊逸
    資管四 鍾明叡

    1.Cell is too small to see.
    2.Yes .I have looked at my hair under a microscope.
    3.The good bacterial is useful to us.

  10. 徐敏家 廖榅汶 鄭意縈2019年10月22日 上午11:40

    1.Bacterial is small and we can't see their with eye.
    2.No, we didn't use it.
    3.They are very useful in our live.

  11. 財工二A 林芸亘 蔡佩璇 應化二B 林凡瑄2019年10月22日 上午11:41

    3.It can change to nutrient to help our healthy.

  12. 1.Ant is very small to see.
    2.I have seen cells under a microscope.
    3.I think that Probiotics can be useful to me.

  13. 1.Bacteria are invisible to the naked eye.
    2.Yes, I have . I seen the profile of the plant.
    3.I think small animals can help our natural circulation.

  14. 食營營養二 李孟珣 彭羽瑄2019年10月22日 上午11:42

    1It's microorganism.
    2Yes,I have looked organization.
    3It can help plant grow better.

  15. 1.Dust are too small to see with the human eye.
    2.Cell looked at something under a microscope .
    3. Cabbage that I think very small creatures can be useful to us.
    資管三B 葉羿辰 /林秉逸/

  16. 3.I think small creatures can be useful to us because they have other special features.

  17. 1Bacteria are invisible to the naked eye.
    2.Yes, I have . I seen the profile of the plant.
    3.I think small animals can help our natural circulation.

    企管三A 李怡諄

  18. 1.Microorganism is too small to see.
    2.I have used a microscope to see cells.
    3.I think that very small creatures are useful to us, like Eukaryote.
    會二C 黃婉茹

  19. 中文四B 李想
    1.flea,it's very small.
    2.I see plant cell under the microscope.
    3.I think a lot of becterial can help human very much.

  20. 1.Dust、dust mite
    2.Yes, Cell Wall
    3.Every little creature in the world is useful to humans.
    財三c 李倖如 李慧君 周紋綺 陳宥汝 陳亭㚬 楊敏雯

  21. 1.Cells is too small too see with human eyes.
    2.I had ever looked at something under a microscope, but I didn't know what it was.
    3.Let us see things that are extremely small units
    資工三A 林欣慧

  22. 1. Mites.
    2. I have ever looked at the cells of plants under the microscope.

    會計二C 黃玟綺
