2019年10月4日 星期五

Visit to a Doctor


20 則留言 :

  1. 回覆
    1. Hi,I am doctor molly. What’s wrong with you?
      I have terrible headache.
      Do you eat or drink something cold?
      I ate a lot of ice cream.
      Oh no you eat to much.
      What should I do?
      For the moment, don’t eat or drink anything very cold and you should take break.
      Ok.I see Thank you.

  2. D:You got a stomach, did you?
    J: Yes. It is really painful.
    D: Anything else?
    J: A little bit dizzy and wanna vomit.
    D: It's Ok. Don't worry too much. I'll write a prescription for you.
    And I have to give you a shot to make you feel better.
    J: Ok, thank you, sir.

  3. Doctor:How’s going today?
    Ben:I have a fever, I’m so uncomfortable.
    Doctor: I will give you some medicine, and take it after meal.
    Ben:Ok, thanks.

  4. A: so what brings you to my office today?

    B: My tooth is killing me!

    A: How long has your tooth been bothering you?

    B: It just started hurting me last night.

    A: where does it hurt?
    B: I think one of my molar might be coming loose

  5. Hi, I am Doctor Nita. What seems to be the problem today?
    I have a terrible stomachache.
    What did you eat recently?
    I ate spicy hot pot.
    Oh no, you eat too much.
    What should I do?
    You should eat light diet and stop to eat spicy food.
    Ok. Thank you so much.
    H105A154 陳姿秀

  6. :Doctor,my teeth are sore.
    :Your wisdom tooth has grown.
    :What should I do ?
    :You need to make an appointment to pull your wisdom tooth.
    H105A145 劉家妤

  7. H105A137 楊雅婷
    Doctor :What’s wrong?
    Tiffany: I have a fever.
    Doctor: I will write a prescription for you.

  8. DOCTOR: So, what brings you here?

    PATIENT: An ambulance! What do you think?

  9. D:May I take you temperature, please.
    D:Your temperature is 39 degrees Celsius.
    P:My body feel very hot.
    D:The doctor will give you some medication to control it.

  10. John: Doctor, what is wrong with my son?
    Doctor: He has typhoid. Please monitor his temperature periodically.
    John: How often should I check his temperature?
    Doctor: Check his temperature once every 5 hours.
    John: What diet should I give him?
    Doctor: He can only have liquid diet.
    John: When should I bring him for the review?
    Doctor : After 4 days, and you can make an appointment for next Tuesday.
    John: Okay, thank you doctor.
    Doctor: You are welcome.

  11. Doctor:Hello, miss. Sit down, please.
    Doctor:What seems to be the problem?
    Patient:I have a cough and get a high fever.
    Doctor:How long have you been like this?
    Patient:Since Saturday night.
    Doctor:I want to look at your throat. Open your mouth. Please say “Ah”.
    Doctor:Be Patient! Don't worry. I will prescribe some medicine to you.
    Patient:Thank you, doctor.
    H106A140 柯瓊惠

  12. A: Hello Mrs. Wilson.
    B: Hi Doctor
    A: How are you feeling?
    B: I don't feel good.
    A: What's bothering you?
    B: I have a stomachache and a headache.
    A: Where does it hurt?
    B: Here.
    A: Do you have a fever?
    B: No, I don't think so.
    A: OK. Let me look at your throat. Open your mouth. Your throat's red. Does it hurt?
    B: Yes. It's sore.
    A: When did it start to feel this way?
    B: Last week.
    A: I think you have a virus. It might be the flu. I'm going to give you a prescription for some medicine.
    B: Thank you.
    A: Try to get some rest, and be sure to drink lots of water and orange juice.

    H106A113 章詩曼

  13. Nurse:Do you have an assigned doctor?
    Patient:Yes, Dr. Wang
    Nurse:Sorry, Dr. Wang s schedule is already full. May I make you an appointment for another doctor?
    Patient:Is Dr. Wu on call today?
    Nurse:I’m sorry, she is off today.
    Nurse:Can I please have your health insurance IC card and two hundred dollars, please?

    H106A128 張淑惠

  14. 顏偌愉
    10月4日 週五 下午9:33 (5 天前)
    寄給 我

    Sandy: Kyra, What’s wrong with you?
    Kyra: oh,I have a bad headache
    S: l am sorry to hear that.So will you go to see a doctor?
    K:Yes I am going to see a doctor right away
    S: Ok,take care !

  15. Sandy: Kyra, What’s wrong with you?
    Kyra: oh,I have a bad headache
    S: l am sorry to hear that.So will you go to see a doctor?
    K:Yes I am going to see a doctor right away
    S: Ok,take care !

  16. Nurse:Hi, may I help you?
    Patient:Yes, where shall I register?
    Nurse:Here, have you been here before?
    Patient:NO,this is my first visit.
    Nurse:Please fill out this form.
    Patient:Thank you.

    H106a136 邢孟桂

  17. Suitcase
    Dinner cart

    H106A136 邢孟桂
