2019年10月9日 星期三


13 則留言 :

  1. Life is limited, so I think we should spend more time with the people you love and love you, instead of doing meaningless and unhappy things to ourselves

    1. It is possible that unhappy things are meaningful.

  2. In my opinion, the company of family is the most important and the happiest;
    If you live in a world that is always your own, you will become more and more lonely, and anything you do will be meaningless.

  3. I thought that life is too short for doing things that you will be regretting. I used to waste my time on doing nothing. But now I realize that I should do something meaningful in my life. And cherish the time I have. So now I always do the things I want to do. Whatever it will success or not, as it is not against the law, I will try it, instead of doing nothings .

    1. Not all things that don't violate the law are good.

    2. lie, disrespect, carelessness, covetousness, cursing, unfaithfulness......

  4. I approve this paragraph because I as a person we don’t have enough time to wast.
    We should spend time on someone who we love .Instead of spend time on someone or something that not important at all.

  5. Full schedule is letting us more busy and sometime losing our purpose. Maybe we need a break to find out what’s our goal and inner thought and correct it sometimes.

    What’s important thing is love. Cherish the people surround and spend more time.

    Gina 楊雅玲

    1. is letting......
      use "makes"

    2. what matters is the details of your schedule.

    3. Full schedule makes us more busy and sometime losing our purpose. Maybe we need a break to find out what’s our goal and inner thought and correct it sometimes.

      What’s important thing is love. Cherish the people surround and spend more time.

      Finally my Chinese name is showed! Thanks for revising, I need more practices in writing.

      My schedule is complicated. Maybe too many positions for me. Find out what's priority is the most important.
