2022年2月21日 星期一

The Disabled Solider


1.The author talks about the sufferings of the great and the differences of hardships of great people and normal people.Even more,the story is supported with the disabled soldier's story,describing how he was tortured in jails and labor camps,but he still retained a firm attitude toward life in the end.

2.No,I think the misfortunes of the great are too far to engage.For example,I think that the stories of the poor are more real than the stories of the great.Due to the fact that they are easily accessible among us,plain and real.

3.In my humble opinion,I don't think that the sufferers care about what others think of them after all the hardships they've gone through.To me,pity and admirations are superficial elements that great minds don't value as something important.

4.Yes,when under the spot light,everyone wants to be in his or her best performance.No matter how distressed they were.They would clean up themselves and slow their most positive side to the audience.

5. Yes. To me,whoever finds meanings and hope in the abyss of suffering,is someone that people should remember for centuries.All great minds must conquer their fears and absurdity to truely live their lives in my opinion.

6.Yes,people all do so and also boasting is why those those greats became legendary.They magnifying their slightest inconvenience into calamities and smallest achievement into glories.

7.Against all odds,there are many times that the sailor said he managed to find hope.When he lost his fingers and a leg,he compared someone's more miserable experience to his.When he was in prison,his mind wasn't locked up.Instead,he said that he was well fed without working.

8. He was forced to work for meal and then was inprisoned and Then fored to work in a farm then to be a soldier.At last.he became a sailor and lost his leg.

9.No,I understand that this story might bring readers closer to reality,but there are also many philosophy ideas that doesn't teach people to hate sufferings.The idea of absurdism advocates people to embrace the absurd things in life,which is something like the idea of the story.

10.Everyone suffers in the world,and the disabled guy teaches us not to look at bad side but the good side of things you go through.

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