2022年2月21日 星期一

The Disabled Solider


2. Yes. For example, Helen Keller was deafen and blind when she was still a baby. Because of Helen’s teacher, Anne Sullivan, she was educated and managed to graduate from the college.

3. Yes. We think that sufferers would feel better if someone could relate to them.

4. Yes. We agree that most people will act bravely in bearing misfortunes when the whole world is looking on because some sufferers might worry the criticisms and judgements of the society and the way other people look at them; therefore, they must pretend to be strong on the outside.

5. We partially agree. Facing difficulties with tranquility and indifference is a great thing. But emotionally, it is actually hard to do so.

6. Yes. People usually magnify their slightest inconvenience to achieve certain purposes. For example, people tend to make excuses for their own fault in their daily lives.

7.(1) Bill Tibbs has lost both of his legs and an eye to boot, but the poor fellow only lost his limb, so he thought it was not so bad.
(2) He only wrought ten hours in the day and had his meat and drink provided, but he was not suffered to stir out of the house.
(3) His life in the prison is too good to last for ever.
(4) He was happy that he worked his passage home, and glad he was to see old England.
(5) He received but one wound through the breast.
(6) His forty pounds when he was beaten was a comfort for him.
(7) He was used to life in a jail because he was seasoned.
(8) He lost four fingers off the left hand, and his leg was shot off, but he enjoyed good health and will for ever love liberty, property and old England.
(9) Except the loss of his limb and his being obliged to beg, he didn’t know any reason to complain.

(1) His father died when his was still little, so he was put upon the parish and was kept sending from a parish to another for so long.
(2) When he was obliged to receive for himself, so he was resolved to sell his fortune.
(3) He went from town to town, worked when he could get employment, and starved when he could get none.
(4) He was indicated at the sessions, found guilty of being poor.

9. Yes. We agree because people could be more durable when facing misfortunes if they had more related experience. Ignoring problems and difficulties will only do nothing but making people weak.

10. We think the meaning behind the story is critical, since it shows us the dark side of people and how people actually react to different situations, and explain how habitual acquaintances help us do better. We believe this short story would help us know and understand more about ourselves.

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