2024年5月18日 星期六

化科4B 梁嘉芯 410905167

I am Taiwanese, and my hometown is in Taichung. The climate in Taichung is very good. Except for the rainy season, there are rarely rainy days. The transportation in Taichung is also very developed. The MRT, high-speed rail, trains, and buses are evenly distributed. I am very Like Taichung

Indonesia, is an archipelago nation composed with over 17,000 islands and 700 languages. It has a vibrant tapestry of cultures, landscapes, and traditions. Located in Southeast Asia, it presents breathtaking natural wonders, from rainforests and volcanoes to beaches and coral reefs. With a rich history influenced by Indian, Chinese, Arab, and European traders, Indonesia's diverse cultural heritage is also reflected in its cuisine, arts, and architecture. Home to over 270 million people, it is the world's fourth most populous country. Every city has their own uniquenesses to offer, providing visitors a captivating blend of adventure, relaxation, and cultural exploration.

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