2020年4月18日 星期六

〈聖經的權威與真理〉,《聖經論》/ 柯志明教授

“The Bible is the only realistic authority of the Christian faith; that is, the only authority worthy of unconditional obedience in the world, so that the connotation of the entire Christian faith must be built on it, and the Christian life is entirely based on it; all those who contradict the teachings of the Bible are invalid and can be disobeyed, no matter who these teachings come from, even if it comes from the most powerful, learned, or virtuous of the church. Why? It is because the Bible is a direct revelation of God; that is, the Word of God” (Immanuel Chih-Ming Ke, “The Authority and Truth of the Bible,” Bibliology, page 91).

“The same is true for experience, reason, and culture. They often mislead people and even lead them to forsake the salvation of God and Jesus Christ. Therefore, none of them can be the authority of Christian life. Only the Bible is the authority of Christian life.” (Immanuel Chih-Ming Ke, “The Authority and Truth of the Bible,” Bibliology, page 92).


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