2020年4月12日 星期日

〈聖經的本性與權威〉,《聖經論》/ 柯志明教授

“Empirically, according to long-term, a great quantity, and rigorous biblical research, comparing all variants between the original or translated texts of the Bible, the Bible is almost completely reliable, and the variants will not affect the unity and accuracy of the text; that is to say, all faithful readers can know the message of the Bible, and surely they must also know what kind of God the Bible is telling. In addition, …… Different translations can be cross-referenced, and there are a lot of notes of the Bible. Thus, the possibility of misunderstanding the information of the message in the Bible is very low. The most important thing is that the Bible we read makes us believe that the God it speaks of is completely guarding us to hear clearly what He reveals to us in the Bible. Nothing can stop us from hearing the words God wants us to hear in the Bible” (Immanuel Chih-Ming Ke, The Nature and Authority of the Bible,” Bibliology, page 55).

“The reason that we can believe the Bible lies in the Bible itself. We believe in the God of the Bible because we believe in the Bible we read, and then we believe the Bible we read because we believe the God in the Bible” (Immanuel Chih-Ming Ke, The Nature and Authority of the Bible,” Bibliology, page 56).

“The objective world and the believer’s subjective life mutually verify that the Bible and its God are true and credible . . .. This manifestation and verification have its commonality, because people can communicate, compare, identify, and strengthen their respective verifications . . .. The Bible is not a personal, private, closed book, but a public book that is mutually verified with the world and opened to the world” (Immanuel Chih-Ming Ke, Nature and Authority of the Bible,” Bibliology, page 57).

“Any true Christian must believe that God can overcome the limitations of the world, history, culture, society, language, and intelligence to make people understand what He said in the Bible” (Immanuel Chih-Ming Ke, “The Nature and Authority of the Bible,” Bibliology, page 57).

“Since the Bible is the revelation of God, then she is the only reliable text for mankind to know God . . .. In short, the Bible is the highest and only religious authority for Christians” (Immanuel Chih-Ming Ke, “The Nature and Authority of the Bible,” Bibliology, page 58).


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