2020年4月6日 星期一

〈顯現上帝大能的聖經〉,《聖經論》/ 柯志明教授

The Bible is not a pure, human creation, nor is it limited to a specific historical culture, because the Bible is the word of God.

“If you believe that the Bible is a work written by God through man and inspired by the Holy Spirit, and it clearly conveys the word of God, then this will make the interpreters believe that the Bible has elements and meanings beyond history, and there will be no mistake and it is totally true and credible. Therefore, the Bible has the sole and highest authority. Thus, the interpreter must humbly acknowledge that the historical research on the Bible has its fundamental limitations, and cannot thoroughly explore and understand it. In this way, the Bible must be completely credible, and its meaning must be clear, which cannot be concealed and distorted by human beings. It is the highest authority of the church and Christians, the norm that the universal church must abide by, and the only basis of the unity and reform of the church” (Immanuel Chih-Ming Ke, “The Bible that Manifests the Power of God,” Bibliology, page 17-18).

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